João Quintas


João Quintas has a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (specialization in Automation and Robotics) from University of Coimbra (UC), 2018. Since 2011, he is a project manager and principal researcher for the domain of Active and Assisted Living (AAL) and Active and Healthy Living in Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) - Laboratory of Automatic Systems (IPNlas) (

He has more than 10 years of expertise acting as technical manager, project manager and researcher in European and national projects including (Prometheus (FP7), AAL4ALL (QREN), TICE.HEALTHY (QREN), Co-Living (AAL-JP-C2), CaMeLi (AAL-JP-C5), CogniWin (AAL-JP-C6), THEWS (Erasmus+), IntegrAAL (AAL-JP-2014), ROSE (P2020), DIATOMIC (H2020)).

He is a member of the Autonomous Robotics (AuR) Ontology working group developing IEEE 1872.2 Standard and The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems developing IEEE 7000 related standards.

His early research career started in 2008 at the Mobile Robotics Laboratory (MRL) of Institute of Systems and Robotics - University Coimbra (ISR-UC). He is a Research Associate at the Artificial Perception for Intelligent Systems and Robotics team (former MRL) in ISR-UC. He has authored 4 articles in specialised magazines and 25 papers in conferences or events, has 10 chapters in books. His PhD thesis addressed “Context-based Human-Machine Interaction Framework for Artificial Social Companions”.

His main areas of research interest are related to artificial social companions, intelligent environments, robotics, human-machine interaction, context recognition and human behaviour analysis.