Shawn Solomon


Hey there visiting humanoid,

I've been coding since I had access to my first computer when I was 8, well over two decades ago now. Back then it was VB6, but since I've traveled through a laundry list of languages, technologies, and platforms. If nothing else, I've learned that no matter what, coding is coding, and the only thing that really changes are environmental variables.

Professionally, I was really lucky to get hired on when I was a kid of 18, cutting my teeth as a junior full-stack dev for a company managing over 3,000 client contracts. Later, I followed my passion through the music industry as a lead full stack dev, got a formal education (while learning to teach others what I do), then went back to making some serious money with a friend from college. And honestly, the only reason I left that position was that I felt stuck and never really gave myself permission to enjoy my youth while I still had it.

And these days, I'm working on some of my own projects, looking to make my way back into the industry, because there's nothing like getting to wake up every day and do what you love. My current stack is C# for game development and a full stack of javascript running a React front with Node in the back.