Yacine Mahdid



I'm a PhD student at McGill specialized in computational neuroscience. I use machine learning technique to gain insight into the brain correlate of consciousness and pain. I work mainly with Python, Matlab and R for my data science project. I use React and Django or Flask for my side-projects. See here some code sample: Github


PhD Neuroscience (Integrative Program of Neuroscience) at McGill University
  • McGill University Integrative Program of Neuroscience fellowship
Msc Neuroscience (Integrative Program of Neuroscience) at McGill University
  • RI-MUHC internal scholarship recipient
  • FRQNT Master scholarships recipient
BSc in Neuroscience with minor in Computer Science
  • Dean’s Honor List; cGPA: 3.93
  • NSERC-USRA recipient for Summer 2016 and 2017


Hastings, Margaret H., Alvin Qiu, Congyao Zha, Carole A. Farah, Yacine Mahdid, Larissa Ferguson, and Wayne S. Sossin. “The Zinc Fingers of the Small Optic Lobes Calpain Bind Polyubiquitin.” Journal of Neurochemistry 146, no. 4 (August 2018): 429–45. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnc.14473.

Lai Kwan, C., Mahdid, Y., Motta Ochoa, R., Lee, K., Park, M., Blain-Moraes, S. “Wearable technology for detecting significant moments in individuals with dementia”. Submitted May 1, 2019 to Biomed Research International: Assistive Technology Innovations in Neurological Conditions. 18 pages.

Renda, E., Karmali, S.A., Yordanova, I., Schwartz, S., Mahdid, Y., Blain-Moraes, S. & Boudrias, M.H. “Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on an individual’s ability to learn to control a brain-computer interface”. Submitted January 10, 2019 to McGill Journal of Medicine. 16 pages.