

First and foremost, go fork and contribute to my Git-Captain Project hosted on GitHub.

See it in action in this YouTube video.

Now, about me:

I'm currently a Senior Software Engineer working professionally with C#, Java, JavaScript, SQL (DB2, MS, Oracle), Objective-C and mostly everything else under the sun.

I'm always looking for opportunities to build tools, solutions, and techniques to solve frustrations that plague Software Engineers.

Ex-1990's Hacker and phone phreaker, thus 2600 will always have a warm place in my heart. Now I code for a living.

On my spare time, I independently deployed two iOS apps that are useful and downloaded every day. I Spend most of my off-time coding Objective-C, building the back-end of my apps using Node.js, and creating/maintaining Git-Captain.

I finally gave in and moved all my app and server code from my own Git repo running on an AWS Linux box to private repos on GitHub.

Built a game with XNA Framework using C# and realized that video game developers have a hard job.

Big fan of Adobe tools for my graphics in my apps.

Hated my MacBook Pro, until I went to OWC and upgraded the RAM to 16 Gigs and replaced the HD with an "Extreme" SSD.