Yong Ju


Welcome to my profile.

I'm Fullstack developer with 5+ years of experience in designing and developing user interfaces, testing, debugging, and training staff within eCommerce techinologies. I have developed both the functional and aesthetic components of client websites. I have proven ability in optimizing web functionalities that improve data retrieval and workflow efficiencies. I have solid skill in Android development and iOS development. In additional, I'm an AI scientist and developer with 4 years in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision. I have perfect ability in using AI frameworks(Tensorflow, Tesseract, Keras, Yolo).

My skills are as follow.

-php and php frameworks(CodeIgniter and Laravel) -Node.JS, Anglar.JS, Vue.JS, React.JS and Redux -HTML5, CSS -Python and Python web frameworks(Django, Flask) -Database(Mysql, Sqlite, MongoDB) -Java and JSP -Computer Vision(Opencv and Yolo) -Tensorflow, Keras and Tesseract.

  • Android studio, Java, Kotlin and Swift.

My Experience are as follow. Web developer: Period: September 2015 - Present.

  • Designed and developed user-friendly website, including optimize check out page that increased user clicks.
  • Fixed bugs from existing websites and implemented enhancements that significantly improve web functionality and speed.
  • Developed Web API functions and web application using AI technology. Computer Vision and AI developer: Period: April 2016 - Present.
  • Face recognition using opencv and Yolo.
  • ID card, , Passport, Driver license recognition using Tesseract and opencv.
  • Paranoma generator using Opencv and Ransac algorithm.
  • Playing Cards recognition using Yolo, opencv and Keras.
  • Image restoration using opencv and Tensorflow.
  • AI app for counting customer in Shop.
  • AI app for counting cars in specify road.
  • Youtube video making program using opencv and ffmpeg.
  • 3D image generation from 2D images using opencv.
  • Video studio using opencv and ffmpeg. Mobile app developer: Period: April 2016 - Present.
  • Face recognition using Android NDK and opencv.
  • Taxi app(Android and iOS)
  • Various social apps.
  • Uniapp development. I will always maintain the correct time when working on the project and always guarantee the quality of the project with the latest technology. I always maintain good relationships with clients through close communication and accurate project execution. I think long-term projects are opportunities to solidify relationships and build trust. Thanks again to the clients who showed interest in me.