Matt Koskela


I am a well-rounded and driven engineering and product leader who thrives managing product development teams, launching amazing products and then iterating on and supporting those products. My proven track record shows my drive and ability to execute across all facets of the product development process. I care deeply about fostering strong team cultures built on trust.

HackEDU provides interactive cyber security training and secure code development courses for software engineers. Engineers learn how to protect their applications and networks against attacks through offensive training and hands-on lessons.

Previously, as the first employee at AirMap, I built the initial engineering and product teams and launched their initial flagship products. I drove the technical direction of AirMap towards an open platform, built the team required to launch that platform, and continually delivered innovative products to the drone market. These tools are used by millions of drones and hundreds of developers. I was also responsible for representing AirMap internationally to our important manufacturing partners (DJI, 3DR, SenseFly, etc), major developers and other industry stakeholders (NASA, FAA, EASA, NATS and many others).

I also co-founded Giant Media, which was acquired by Adknowledge in March 2014. Giant Media built the largest native video ad network in the United States (measured by ComScore) and worked with most of the biggest ad agencies and brands in the world.