

Business Analytics and Data Mining certified from Indian Statistical Institute.

Skilled in:

Statistical Data Analysis(e.g. Probability distributions, Estimation and Hypothesis Testing,Estimation of parameters like means, variances, proportions and model,Concepts of standard errors and confidence intervals,Test for means, variances, proportions, odds ratios and relative risks )

Prediction Modeling through Regression(e.g. Simple and multiple linear regressions,Logistic regression)

Tree based Method, Forecasting and Segmentation(Forecasting Models exponential smoothing, Holt and winters model and ARIMA).Classification and Regression Tree including concepts of bagging, random forests and boosting, fitting and validating tree based models,Cluster analysis, carrying out non-hierarchical clustering using R, choosing the right solution for non-hierarchical clustering.

Machine learning,Exploratory Data Analysis,Neural network,Visual Analytics using R,Categorical data analysis,R programming,Shiny,Python,HTML.

Tools i am skilled with R-studio,pyCharm,Jupyter Notebook,shiny server,Atom text editor.