

Hi! I'm Rick Carlino, a software dev from the Chicago suburbs. I started programming professionally in 2012 and have been tinkering with computers since my first Windows 3.1 machine in the 90's.

I am a co-founder and the lead software developer at FarmBot, the world's first Open Source farming machine. I helped build the initial software prototype for early versions and now oversee most day-to-day software activities at FarmBot. This involves embedded systems development (via the Elixir Nerves Framework) as well as backend and devops engineering to provide infrastructure support to the many FarmBot devices operating throughout the world.

In the past, I've worked on projects for medical payment processing, textile manufacturers, hospitality management services, non-profits, the military, and a list of consulting clients that are too numerous to name. My public work is available on my Github page.

My interest in hardware and software also led me to start Fox.Build Makerspace in St. Charles, Illinois. It's a public workshop catering to the needs of artist, entrepreneurs and engineers. If you are ever in the Chicago suburbs, feel free to stop by during one of our many events.

When I am not running the makerspace or building software at FarmBot, I enjoy ultra-distance marathon running and learning about the history of computing. I am an avid retrocomputing hobbyist.

My preferred languages are Typescript, Ruby, Elixir, QBasic.