
Apart from my current role of Assistant Project Manager, I try my maximum to keep in touch with latest technology trends and have been always engaged with hands on development as Programming is my first love :)

Whatever crosses your mind, I can code or have already coded it and implemented across cloud, web & mobile space. Built over strong IT academics and then highly prolific research & analysis skills, it’s my 9+ years’ hands on and heads in experience with multiple platforms and technologies that makes me code disruptive digital apps & systems across heterogeneous IT environments including cloud, web, mobile & Big data.

My biggest pride is my rapid adaptability for modern technology and capacity to always leverage abstract ideas and architectural skills into innovative solutions. In my coding arsenal, I bag technologies (1, 2, 3, …..) and with keying them I have developed 50+ websites, enterprise web apps, e-commerce solutions, iOS apps and system softwares, over last 9 years.

Moving over my career ladder starting from PHP developer, today I am Assistant Project Manager and technical head of development department whereby managing complete life-cycle of enterprise level projects across various business verticals including Health & care, Banking & Finance, Retail & Shopping, Learning & Education and Lifestyle & Entertainment.

Feel free to contact me at Skype: irfan.danish Here is my stackoverflow profile:

Zend Certified Engineer

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