Tomas Mota


I have been programing for the best 5 years and I am still amazed by how much I don't know.
I started out with Java, then moved to Android and stayed there for 2 years of my life (from 14-16), later on, for a whole year I got into web development, learned html/css, Javascript, React and a bit of Node.js. In between those changes I got a macbook and after that web dev year I got interested in IOS dev and stayed there for another year, which I thought would be very easy to pick up since I already knew Android, little did I know...
For this past in quarentine, and finishing HighSchool, I have honestly just been focusing on personal projects and building my portfolio.
I ended up launching 2 websites for a client, where I learned a lot of backend, where I used mysql and php for server side, how domains work, how a server works and needs to be configured correctly to work (I learned that the hard way). I did not know how much work there was just to launch a website.
Also learned Python for a few weeks, just to become part of the Machine learning trend :) (And bought a Udemy course to match)

That's my journey