Norbert Bicsi


Backend/cloud engineer with 8 years of experience working with web technologies.
On occasion fulfilling the role of systems and software architect.
Currently I'm the Lead Software Engineer working on microservice based fintech project.

Most commonly used frameworks/platforms:

  • Java 8+
  • Spring
  • Spring Cloud
  • AWS, Azure

More Tech:

  • Kotlin
  • Angular 2+
  • JavaScript, TypeScript, Boostrap 3-4
  • Tomcat, GlassFish, Apache HTTP Server, Node.js
  • git, svn
  • maven, gradle, npm, ant
  • MySQL, MongoDB, SQL Server, OracleDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite

Other knowhow

  • I have solid UNIX based system administration knowledge.
  • Android and iOS development
  • I can act as a DBA if it's called for
  • Familiar with Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and even NetBeans, but I do prefer the one in bold ;)