

I work in all sorts of languages, from web development, through multi-platform desktop apps, high-level, low-level, assembly, security, mobile apps, native, non-native, embedded, AVR, ARM, compiled, interpreted, scripts, tools, big projects, with frameworks, without frameworks, anything.

I have over 10 years of experience and done projects in C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, Python, Pascal, Flex, JavaScript, ActionScript, HTML5/CSS3, Qt, QML, Powershell, Batch, JScript, VB.

My favorite language is C++. I pay big attention to quality of my programs, UI, UX, speed, optimization and code style.

Besides programming I make movies, take photos, play piano, guitar and violin (and planning to play drums and saxophone), running (finished 6 marathons), cycling, hiking etc.

I just do it all and I love it!