

###(For copy and pasting into bad questions) When asking homework type questions, please show your best good faith attempt to solve it and tell what problems you are having. This will give us a better understanding of what you're trying to do, what you might be doing wrong, what you need help with. Please go through the tour, the help center and the How to Ask sections to see how this site works and to help you improve your current and future questions. Please also have a look at How do I ask and answer Homework questions.

Minimal, reproducible example


How do I ask and answer Homework questions. It's usually better not to provide a complete code sample if you believe it would not help the student, using your best judgment. You can use pseudo-code first, and, in the spirit of creating a programming resource, you may come back after a suitable amount of time and edit your response to include more complete code. This way, the student still has to write their code, but a full solution can become available after the assignment has ended