Questions tagged [zeroclipboard]

Zero Clipboard is library that provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.

Zero Clipboard

The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.

This library is fully compatible with Flash Player 10, which requires that the clipboard copy operation be initiated by a user click event inside the Flash movie. This is achieved by automatically floating the invisible movie on top of a DOM element of your choice. Standard mouse events are even propagated out to your DOM element, so you can still have rollover and mouse down effects.

242 questions
6 answers

HTML5 alternative to flash-based ZeroClipboard for safe copying of data to clipboard?

With flash on the way out in many environments (iPhone, Android, IE10, etc...), is there any new solution forthcoming in any browsers that will allow a safe copy of information to the clipboard without flash installed? I've been using ZeroClipboard…
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Selecting text in mobile Safari on iPhone

I'm trying to make it easy for an iphone user to copy some text to the clipboard in mobile safari. As in the usual "touch-hold-copy". There is a specific bit of text I want to a user to copy. I have full choice of the html markup in which to wrap…
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1 answer

Twitter Bootstrap & ZeroClipboard.swf (missing file error)

I used Twitter Bootstrap (latest version, v3.2.0) to set up a single-page basic website. All functionality seems fine, but my JavaScript Console, upon loading the site, indicates the following error: "Failed to load resource: the server responded…
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How to programmatically copy asynchronous dependent content to the clipboard following a click?

I'm trying to programmatically use the execCommand in Chrome (Build 43) to copy the result of an asynchronous JSONP request to the clipboard. Here is a snippet of the logic : loadContent() function loadContent(callback) { …
Gabriel Kohen
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How to actually use ZeroClipboard in jQuery?

I just can't get this thing. How is ZeroClipboard supposed to work? Why does it need to move the flash-element over the copied text? I've read this thing: Can someone provide me a short…
Martti Laine
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How can I copy text to the clipboard without flash in HTML5?

On Google Drive, if I try to share a file and I use Google Chrome, this button appears: Now, if I press "copy link", it will select the textarea down the button. (it is a input type button) here the picture: And the question is .... How google do…
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5 answers

ZeroClipboard: swf loaded, but not working

ZeroClipboard doesn't work and it doesn't throw any errors (javascript console). The website is hosted on a HTTPS webserver running on localhost. Both the website and the SWF are served over HTTPS by the same server. The SWF is loaded and positioned…
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1 answer

Getting the contents from client's clipboard like this website

Can someone explain how does this website accesses the contents of the clipboard and displays it? I am working on a similar project and need to make use of this functionality where users can ctrl+v paste an image. Also, if the site is…
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6 answers

ZeroClipboard SWF does not load

ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath( "/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf" ); var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); clip.setText( $('textarea#download_me').text() ); clip.glue( 'clip' ); I'm using the popular ZeroClipboard plugin to copy content to user's…
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2 answers

Can I GET data FROM the clipboard with the new ZeroClipboard?

I'm using this fresh version of ZeroClipboard in a project: Creating buttons to copy content from HTML really works like a breeze (compared to zClip or the "old" ZeroClipboard). However I would now like to…
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8 answers

Bootstrap + Zeroclipboard = Tooltips can't be shown on hover?

I'm trying to use ZeroClipboard for a "Click to copy" feature on an element and the same time show a bootstrap tooltip. Unfortunately the tooltip doesn't work if I use ZeroClipboard on an element. Any help would be greatly appreciated... //…
1 answer

ZeroClipboard + angular, multiple instances

app.directive('copyPost', ['$window', '$filter', 'ZeroClipboardPath', function ($window, $filter, ZeroClipboardPath) { return { scope: { postFn: '&', postSuccess: '&', }, restrict: 'A', terminal: true, …
Oleg Belousov
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ZeroClipboard: programmatic setText() does not work

I am trying to make ZeroClipboard API to work, but it looks like setText() function has no effect. Simple example provided >here< works fine, but when I want to programatically call setText(), it does not work. Could you please help me, what is…
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3 answers

Copy text to clipboard using Zero Clipboard in

I am trying to use Zero *Clipboard* to copy text from Textbox to Clipboard when client clicks a Button. I am trying this for many days but no luck to make this work. In Scenario, i have one Textbox which render data from the Database. I have one…
Amrit Sharma
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5 answers

zClip - ZeroClipboard.swf deleted - Need new file

I'm using zClip on my website to copy several things in textboxes, I got everything working just fine but now, without changing anything, it stopped working. The reason is that the host of the file ZeroClipboard.swf have deleted the file or for some…
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