Questions tagged [yuv]

YUV is a color space typically used as part of a color image pipeline.

720 questions
1 answer

YUV/PCM Visualizer to measure Lip Sync

I have a two dump files of raw video and raw audio from an encoder and I want to be able to measure the "Lip-sync". Imagine a video of a hammer striking an anvil. I want to go frame by frame and see that when the hammer finally hits the anvil, there…
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Trouble Decoding H264 Frames with FFMpeg

I'm trying to decode a H264 raw stream with FFMPeg. I've got the saved video and ran into the FFMpeg with the command: ffmpeg -i 20161201-090322.264 -pixel_format yuv420p -filter:v fps=fps=600/60 $filename%03d.raw And got the frames from the Video…
1 answer

Yet another YUV viewer source code?

There used to be source code for Yay (Yet another YUV viewer) that had support 4:2:2, 4:2:0 and 4:0:0 (Y-only) files. The one on Github is the much older version with only 4:2:0 support. Does anyone still have the source code for the newer release?…
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ffmpeg for reducing ratio and quality of YUV to any other format

I have HD 1920x1080 YUV format videos. I would like to compress them to 640x480and other convert to other format(mp4/avi..) I used the follwing command: ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s:v 1920x1080 -r 25 -i input.yuv -c:v libx264…
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Why iOS uses less RAM if we are loading jpeg image?

Recently we noticed that we can load about 50 2448 x 3264 (iphone camera size) images into UIImageViews that are on the screen and currently visible. So all 50 images are decoded. We know on iphone memory size per app is about 500 MB (RAM and VRAM…
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Access violation exception when reading file

I'm doing some computing on raw video YUV file. The idea is to move a 8x8 window accross the entire frame, pixel by pixel. Here's my code: while ( (frameNumber < maxFrame) && (fread_s(frame1, frameSize, 1, frameSize, file1)==…
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What is FFMPEG? How can I use it for fomat conversion?

How can I use it to convert yuv files to avi files? And back. I am currenlty working on a project that needs to process a yuv video into matlab. I only know how to load an avi file by using mmreader. Is there any other way to read yuv files in…
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why to minus 128 from u,v compent of yuv420p for converting it from yuv420p to rgb888?

i am converting my yuv420p file format to rgb888 so i took reference from but code give in section "Java source code used on Android" (at last section of wiki page) their are 2 statements u = u-128; v = v-128; I…
1 answer

android BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() image type?

does anybody know what pixel type does BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() returns? basicly i'm using this snippet on the camera preview callback: YuvImage img = new YuvImage(mLastFrame, ImageFormat.NV21, mPreviewSize.width, mPreviewSize.height,…
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0 answers

Using ffmpeg to compress yuv to mkv - output information reduction

I am using such a command to convert to mkv fmpeg -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s 1920x1080 -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -i input.yuv output_full_hd.mkv But the output of the terminal's console contains too much information. Is it possible to get only…
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FFmpeg decode and convert RGB sws_scale error

I have a problem with my code. I want convert YUV to RGB, but sws_scale returns 0 always and data is filled 00000000..NULL I tried googling, but I could not find any problems. Do I need AVPicture or QImage? Can anyone point out my problem? pVFrame…
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How to get the resolution of YUV frame

I have a .yuv file and want to read it using C++. The issue is that I don't know it's resolution. So, is there any means to derive the resolution from the yuv file ? Also, I don't know the number of frames. Hence, I can't use ftell() and divide it…
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What is the matlab's rgb2ycbcr formula?

What is the matlab's rgb2ycbcr formula?Which standarts are using for this
Fatma Dagli
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How can i extract a yuv frame from given yuv 4:2:0 file

I am new to this video processing.I have assigned a task of extracting a frame from a given yuv 4:2:0 file which is in QCIF format. basically I am using c program for this. HELP me in coding
1 answer

ios4.2 opengl can not work

I have get the h.264 data and decoder them to YUV buffers,and i have display the yup data by opengl on ios5 and ios6,but when I try to run it on my iPad(ios4.2.1),it can not display currently,just all the screen green color.I don't know why,here…
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