Questions tagged [yelp]

RESTful web services for getting business information.

Yelp's API program enables you to access trusted Yelp information in real time, such as business listing info, overall business ratings and review counts, deals and recent review excerpts.


395 questions
2 answers

OAuth with Android

I am attempting to access the Yelp API. I have obtained my keys and have read about 40 articles explaining what I need to do and I have attempted everything. The key and what not are valid. I am getting the following: 05-16 17:39:54.955:…
Zach Dain
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1 answer

How to share reviews using yelp in android

In one of my android app, I need to integrate yelp in the app. Actually , I need to post users reviews to yelp and check users Reviews using Yelp Business API . Please give me some hints or examples that how can we post reviews using yelp's API and…
Dinesh Sharma
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1 answer

iPhone App: Yelp Api integration problem

in My iPhone App I want to integrate Yelp API for that I download Yelp example from GitHub I tried to Add All library files ,both Frameworks for Yelp and Github into my project but still I am not able to reference the files which are in framework"s…
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Yelp Scraping, Python Difficulty Obtaining Motels

I am looking to use a scraper to return Yelp reviews for motels within a town. What I need to be able to do is search the reviews for key words, such as "mold", and be provided the motel back, along with the review itself. I have some code (I am…
Lindsay B
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3 answers

Extra curly braces in web api response makes response unabale to convert to model

I am trying to read Yelp API. Below is my code. public async Task InvokeApi(string path, HttpAction action, HttpContent content = null, TimeSpan? overrideTimeout = null, string externalServer = null) { var sUrl =…
1 answer

How do I resolve the CORS error in Yelp API call?

I'm trying to call the Yelp Fusion API using AJAX but I'm getting the following error below. Could someone help me figure out what's going on here? Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403…
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1 answer

Methods inside javascript promises not running on dialogflow

So this is the code for yelp-fusion node.js API used in dialogflow v2. Problem: agent.add(response.jsonBody.businesses[0].name); which should make the bot say the name of the business doesnt actually run even though the code is there. From research,…
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1 answer

How to use Yelp's new API

I am pretty new to programing so I am sure this is not correct but its the best I can do based on my research. Thanks. import pandas as pd import numpy as np import requests import…
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2 answers

How to get more than 3 reviews from Yelp API request

I would like to retrieve reviews for a clinic in New York via the Yelp API. However, the API only seems to only return the first three reviews. My code # Finding reviews for a particular clinic import http.client import json import…
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1 answer

How to make a Yelp API GET request on postman?

I wanted to use yelp api and I have obtained the access token from Yelp. I was trying to make a get request on Postman and I was getting the following error. { "error": { "code": "VALIDATION_ERROR", "description": "Please specify…
0 answers

User Review - Topic modeling or Intent detection in R

I am doing social media analysis in R - something like, reviewing user feedback on a particular business and trying to distinguish a user review to a category/topic(s). For example: Find if the user review talks about Neighborhood or Crime etc..…
Karna Bhua
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0 answers

How to make GET request to Yelp api using volley?

I am using Volley to make get request to Yelp Api and keep getting "BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 400 for" error. I made GET request on Postman using the same parameters and headers…
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1 answer

How to get access to OAuth2 token for Yelp Fusion Api using C#

I am trying to get an access OAuth2 token for Yelp Fusion Api using C# as mentioned in the documentation: However, I am getting the error : client_id or client_secret not found. Make sure…
0 answers

Integrate Yelp API into Swift Application

I am trying to build an iPhone application with capabilities of searching Yelp's database using an API. I have never used an API before (I'm a student- not much professional development experience), so I need a very simple walkthrough on how to pull…
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0 answers

How to use category_filter in java for yelp

Please kindly tell me how to use category_filter in search results for yelp API call in java. I have used Oauth to make request parameter. In this code, how can i add parameter for category_filter private static final String API_HOST =…
Almas Liaqat
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