Questions tagged [yelp]

RESTful web services for getting business information.

Yelp's API program enables you to access trusted Yelp information in real time, such as business listing info, overall business ratings and review counts, deals and recent review excerpts.


395 questions
1 answer

Using Yelp Fusion API in swift app not authenticating, continuously receiving "VALIDATION_ERROR"

Code here let link = "" guard let url = URL(string: link) else { return } // Headers let headers = [ "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ] guard let clientID = infoPlist(withKey:…
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Extract Yelp's rating

I have this locations.json file where I store the titles, locations (lat, long), and phone numbers. The issue I'm facing right now might seem trivial to others but as a beginner I couldn't get it to work the way I like. I want to extract the ratings…
2 answers

Python and SQL: store value, query, and parse the next one

I have a logic dilemma. I'm trying to retrieve all restaurants in France with Yelp. In order to do so I'm writing a web crawler to scrap Yelp API and retrieve the data. The query is like…
Francesco Mantovani
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3 answers

Printing JSON elements

There is something I don't understand about how to print a JSON element. With Yelp, thanks to this query "" I can retrieve this JSON: { "businesses":…
Francesco Mantovani
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1 answer

npm package simple-oauth2 404 not found

I have a weird bug going on with my code. I'm using the simple-oauth2 library ( and my code works fine on Windows. When I try to run my code on a linux server (raspberry pi zero), the oauth library keeps on…
1 answer

How to extract rating information using CSS selector or any other methods

I am learning web scraping on my own and I am trying to scrap reviewer's ratings on Yelp as a practice. Typically, I can use CSS selector or XPath methods to select the contents I am interested in. However, those methods do not work for selecting…
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I have Node.js package in Meteor app, how do I call the function?

I want to use this Node code in my Meteor app, to interface with Yelp's 2.0 API and return results that I can use. I have installed meteorhacks:npm and added the appropriate node packages to…
1 answer

Retrieve the reviews of a particular user on Yelp using Python

Given a user ID on, how can I fetch the reviews written by that person? PS, I'm using yelpapi package in Python. My code is simple and as an example to search for a specific term I have it is something like the following. But I need to…
Pouya Kh
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1 answer

How to create a custom map based search bar like yelp?

So I am trying to create a search bar like yelp's that gives places suggestions and the map markers reflect those suggestions as well. I was able to implement a google maps places search bar from the google maps api however, now I want the places…
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2 answers

HTTP Error 400 Syntax Error

This code is supposed to use the Yelp API to retrieve information about restaurants. Every time I run it, I get a HTTP 400 Error, which I think should mean a syntax error. In reviewing it by myself I cannot find my error. I've searched Stack…
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1 answer

How does yelp monocle work

I was wondering how the Yelp monocle works. It a cool feature , especially in terms of augmented reality. So I know they access GPS and compass data. And they have data about places nearby like hotels and bars etc. But how do they calculate the…
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1 answer

Need advice related to yelp dataset

We preprocessed the data of the yelp dataset and added category,subcategory for each restaurant. Our data now contains the rows Business_id, name, review_count, stars received, nearby_school, category, subcategory, is_vegetarian, latitude,…
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1 answer

Accessing yelp API points in Python

I have a yelp response as linked here. I am trying to print out just a list of the names returned. I have tried the following: print response['name'] print response[0] print response[0]['name'] And all seem to give error. How do I access a list of…
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1 answer

YELP 1.0 JSON access with NSDictionary

I was doing pretty good parsing YELP1 Json with NSJSONSerialization and accessing the data with NSDictionary. However, I figured inconsistencies in the response: Some keys are surrounded with " , mostly the ones containing a _ Parts from the…
El Dude
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1 answer

Trying to Crawl Yelp Search Results page for Profile URLs

I am trying to scrape the profile URLs from a Yelp search results page using Beautiful Soup. This is the code I currently…
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