Questions tagged [xvim]

XVim is an open-source Xcode Plug-in that adds Vim keybindings to Xcode.

XVim is an open-source Xcode Plug-in that adds Vim keybindings to Xcode.

11 questions
5 answers

Vim command: how to select a word under cursor in normal mode

I'm looking for a Vim command to select a word under cursor in normal mode, like double-clicking by mouse. Does it exist like this?
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2 answers

Map jj to with XVim plugin

XVim claims to read ~/.xvimrc but I am not seeing any effect. Has anyone gotten this to work? Here is an example of my .xvimrc: nmap jj I have also tried : imap jj
Joel Klabo
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1 answer

Can't sign in in Xcode: "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application."

I was trying to install Xvim2 in my XCode. I ran the Xvim code sign tutorial - After that I can not sign in to Xcode, I can not publish archives to test-flight. Anytime I am trying to…
Tornike Gomareli
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1 answer

Xcode 8.2.1 install xvim plugin not working?

This is the first time I tried to use xvim. I downloaded xvim from github, then follow the instuctions in README. Recodesign Xcode then sudo make build succeeded. But when I opened xcode, didn't see any changes. I dont know whether I install xvim…
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1 answer

Use Emac keys while in insert mode?

Using all of Vim, Xvim(for Xcode) and Ideavim(for IntelliJ), I'd like to be able to use the default keybindings while in insert mode rather than Vims. I've been using Xcode for quite some time now and have gotten quite good at typing with the…
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0 answers

Jump to any word like Easymotion in Vim?

I install Xvim in my Xcode. However, if I want to jump to some word on the screen, I have to jump to that line first then press several "w" to get to it. Or use '/' to find that word then press several "n". It's quite annoying! Is there a better…
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1 answer

How do I use completion by "Ctrl-n" with XVim?

I use XVim, a nice product. I want to use code completion like Ctrl+n on Vim, but it is not working in XVim. So, how can I use completion like that with XVim?
0 answers

XVim2 loading error when running git status from console

I deleted the Xvim folder I cloned to my Desktop, since I didn't think I would need it after installation. I started getting the following error whenever I run git status from the terminal. I tried reinstalling Xvim. Is there a way to completely…
3 answers

Create Vim Command for a Regex search

I have a few Regex expressions that I use with xVim for Xcode. Rather than repeatedly typing them out in the command bar with \, I'd like to be able to invoke them with a custom command, like :Regex1. So I've added command Regex1 “/-\s*\(“…
Alex Bollbach
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0 answers

How do I map to Esc in XVim?

I've been using Vim for a long time an unfortunately I've got very used to using to exit insert mode. Old habits die hard. It seems when I put imap in my .xvimrc it ignores the Shift part as interprets it as just Space. I…
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1 answer

XVim Compound Key map

So what I want is a single key map in Xvim that will highlight all of the text inside brackets and then indent using Xcode's indent functionality. What i've tried nnoremap ,i V aB What I would expect is for this to go into visual mode,…
Peter Foti
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