Questions tagged [xoom]

is an Android based tablet made by Motorola.

64 questions
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Keyboard layout hiding android action bar?

In my Android application running in a XOOM device, when I click in an Edittext the keyboard opens and hides the Actionbar. I don't want this to happen, how can I solve this? This is done by the Google Contacts app for the tablet for…
4 answers

Using SurfaceTexture in Android

I want to play a video into an OpenGL texture on XOOM using Android 3.0. I have come across SurfaceTexture in the goole developer docs which has been added in API 11 The…
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Android 4.0 / ICS - App Icon on Action Bar not clickable

For some reason, when testing on my Motorola Xoom with Ice Cream Sandwich, the App Icon in the Action Bar is not clickable, even though I have implemented an event handler. This only occurs after changing the targetSdkVersion to 15. If it is 13 it…
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How to force landscape on a Flash builder mobile app

I am building a mobile application using Flash Builder. I am testing on a Motorola Xoom. When the app opens on the attached Xoom it opens with the correct orientation (landscape), but when it opens on the computer in the emulator it is backwards…
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Android - [Xoom/Honeycomb] application without LAUNCHER activity does not work

I have an application without launcher activity that works properly from Android 1.5 to Android 2.3.4. It is started by my broadcast receiver. However, on Honeycomb (Motorola Xoom), my broadcast receiver doesn't work at all (it does not catch any…
3 answers

Android Xoom accelererometer accuracy is always unreliable

I'm working on a simple compass type application for Android, testing on Xoom WiFi. The accuracy of the accelerometer readings is always SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE. The magnetic field readings are always accuracy…
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Android VideoView.setAlpha is not working (Xoom with 3.0)

currently we're working on a project for Android, doing some Augmented Reality stuff. For this project we need to make a Video played in a VideoView transparent. Since 3.0 there should be the method setAlpha() for the VideoView class. But if you…
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Viewing SQLite data on an Android tablet - SQLite Database Browser

I successfully inserted some data into my sqlite database(I confirmed this by printing out the long ID that is returned from an insert and it was something other than -1) so i know that it is there. problem is is that the sqlite database that I am…
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Camera example bug when locking/unlocking device

I'm working with the camera and I'm using the exact same example given in the documentation : I running the example on a Xoom with…
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Webview jittery/jumping

I have a viewflipper that contains a webview. In some cases (seemingly random) the bottom part of the webview will appear to jitter/jump. This can last anywhere between a second and several seconds. Here's a video to illustrate what I'm talking…
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Is it possible to put Android ActionBar on the bottom?

i'm developing an application to an Android Tablet (XOOM), and i would like to know if it is possile to put the action bar on the bottom of the screen, instead of the top (which is the default option). Thanks.
Paulo Barros
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How do I make my cellphone app fill out the whole screen in a tablet (Xoom)?

I tried to run my application into the Xoom tablet and it ended up being of the exactly same size of a cellphone (it doesn't fill out the entire screen). So, I created a very simply project which just shows a degrade image and a progress bar in the…
3 answers

ADB shows Motorola Xoom as offline when connected

I have a Wi-Fi Motorola Xoom that I am connecting via ADB for development. I am seeing an intermittent problem where the device (with ID number) shows up in the adb devices list, but will present as being offline. The device and computer both show…
Jeremy White
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How to take a screen capture on Motorola Xoom?

I want to take a screen capture on Motorola Xoom. In Samsung Galaxy S-I you can do it by: start pressing the HOME and immediately press BACK. In Samsung Galaxy S-II/III you can do it by: start pressing the HOME and immediately press on OFF/Lock…
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1 answer

Fragment shader with multiple floating operations slow on Xoom (tegra2)

I am trying to make "burning star" impression on android game I have been developing with little help of noise function (simplex noise in this case). Unfortunately I cant use 3d textures as they are in gles extension and android packages doesn't…
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