Questions tagged [xcode9.2]

Xcode 9.2 is the release of Xcode Tool. Xcode is the complete developer toolset used to create apps for Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone, and Mac. The Xcode development environment bundles the Instruments analysis tool, Simulator, and the OS frameworks in the form of tvOS SDKs, watchOS SDKs, iOS SDKs, and macOS SDKs.

205 questions
2 answers

Sorry Something Went Wrong this build is using a beta version of XCode and cant be submitted

I uploaded a build and sent it to an external team in test flight a day ago. I fixed a few bugs QA found and sent another build today, but when I went to send to an external team I got this error message and was blocked from deploying it to test…
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Xcode 9 : Command failed due to signal: Abort trap: 6

I am not able to build in xcode 9. It says Command failed due to signal: Abort trap: 6. I have tried solutions mentioned in stackoverflow, but none of them worked. As its mentioned, overriding description var gives this error. This is done in third…
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1 answer

Xcode 9.2 is not showing Swift 4.1

Apple compatibility documentation is mentioning that: Swift 4.1, the default version of Swift that’s included in Xcode 9.2. Yet, using Xcode Version 9.2 (9C40b), the choice of Swift Language Version that I have are 3.2 and 4.0: Is it a mistake in…
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MySQL Connector/C++ in Xcode 9.2 via Homebrew usage problems

I've successfully installed MySQL, Boost and mysql-connector-c++ on my macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 via Homebrew, but i've ran into problems with using those libs in Xcode. So, my boost and connector libs are located at /usr/local/Cellar/. So i just…
0 answers

Enable bitcode for static framework iOS

ERROR ITMS-90635: "Invalid Mach-O Format. The Mach-O in bundle "" isn’t consistent with the Mach-O in the main bundle. The main bundle Mach-O contains armv7(bitcode) and arm64(bitcode), while…
devang bhatt
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Generate *.app file with only Command Line Tools and Terminal(without Xcode)

I have searched a bit about this but didn't find anything useful. The file bundle *.app is generate by Xcode after I run the project with the 'Debug' or 'Release' mode in the scheme configuration in the following paths:…
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Xcode 9.2 doesn't allow to select/change team

I have a few teams available for selection in Xcode 'Signing' section. 'Automatic signing' is on and I have one team selected by default when I open project. Once I try to select another team from a list, my choice is reverted back to initial team.…
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4 answers

Xcode 9.2 Storyboard not displaying properly

This is in relation to this question, which didn't help me solve my problem, also I checked this ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and got IBDesignablesAgentCocoaTouch_*.crash file, On checking it shows this At present my storyboard looks like this…
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1 answer

How to make Webkit webView with Swift with safe area constraints for iPhone X?

This is the configuration of the storyboard: see the image *Take a look above the link for the image, support from iOS9 to iOS11 Following is the working code solution: import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController,…
1 answer

Bitrise : GoogleMaps framework not found issue

I am using Bitrise to generate build and upload it to AppStore. There were no errors when i run app on device or generate build and upload to AppStore via Xcode no problem occurred, but when i tried to do the same process via Bitrise it fails saying…
Shruti Thombre
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0 answers

com.facebook.react.JavaScript (17): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xda9bf7c08)

Environment: OS: macOS Sierra 10.12.6 Xcode: Xcode 9.2 Build version 9C40b Node: 6.11.1 npm: 3.10.10 Watchman: 4.9.0 react-native-cli: 2.0.1 Description: When I run my code the app gets crashes in this line context = [JSC_JSContext(contextRef)…
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1 answer

NSNumberFormatter.number for currency format not working in Device but works in simulator

I've been trying to implement currency format based on passing my custom language identifier. Below is my code func currencyFormatter(language:String, amount:String) -> String { let nsFormatter = NumberFormatter() nsFormatter.numberStyle…
Steve Gear
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1 answer

Xcode 9 Autocomplete Not Working properly

auto compete is not working properly like when i try to type some function like print it is showing autocomplete which is not is happing in every function. it was working fine couple of days before and suddenly it stop showing that auto…
Naqeeb Ahmed
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3 answers

Swift 4 Alamofire multipart upload not working

I am using alamofire 4.7 and swift 4 I need to upload image and json to server. I am using the following code below for uploading bu I am getting result failure but data is inserting in server but not getting response, showing some serialization…
Justin Mathews
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iOS Swift - PHPhotoLibrary The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error -1.)

I'm trying to save a video file to photo library. I got the following code snippet working, but I'm getting weird cocoa error -1 when trying to save a video created using UIImages with text added programmatically. What is causing PHPhotoLibrary…
Alex Stone
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