Questions tagged [xcode8-beta6]

Xcode 8 beta 6 was a pre-release version of Xcode 8 released on August 15, 2016.

68 questions
1 answer

"Missing argument for parameter 'for' in call"

Whilst coding in swift3 I wanted to use custom protocols and generics for reusing collection view cells. I know that this is the standard way of reusing cells: func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath:…
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Simple Fetch in Swift 3 Core Data

I've been trying to implement a simple core data functionality within my app so that it shows a tutorial (a separate view controller with a scroll page) only the first time the app loads, and bypasses it every other time. I started with syntax from…
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imgly-sdk-ios SDK compilation in Xcode 8

How to resolve compilation errors after upgrading to Xcode 8?
0 answers

How to use iOS 10 simulators in Xcode 7

I installed Xcode 8 beta 6 version and copied DeveloperDiskImage to relevant folders. But Xcode 7 does not show iOS 10 devices. I tried using Use Xcode 7 with iOS 10 this article. I think Xcode 7 cannot run because of Xcode 8 beta 6 version. Have…
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Profile WatchKit App Extension with Xcode 8 and watchOS3

I want to profile my app which is also available for Apple Watch. I'm currently using the latest Beta of Xcode 8 and watchOS3.0 (Beta 6). Xcode has this great tool included called "Instruments" where you can debug your app and see which functions…
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Reachability issue on swift 3(xCode8-beta6)

I am currently developing a project using Reachability library in xCode8 beta6(swift3). I think I correctly implemented Reachability.swift into my project. By the way, the app crashes in the following line of Reachability.swift when I call…
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Xcode 8 beta 6 swift 3 localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare

This code was compiling on Xcode 8 beta 5 but broken in beta 6. What is the right new Swift 3 way to do this comparison? self.categories = categories.sorted { $0.localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare($1) == ComparisonResult.orderedDescending } The…
Jason Hocker
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Cannot assign value of type '(UIViewController?, NSError?) -> Void' to type '((UIViewController?, Error?) -> Void)?'

i have this function to authenticate the player and it worked just fine until xcode8 beta 6: func authenticateLocalPlayer() { print(#function) // WillSignIn self.delegate?.willSignIn?() // The player authenticates in an…
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how to execute code on startup(show) window from xib/nib in swift

I have made a window.xib file and I would like to execute some code when et starts up (shows) like applicationDidFinishLaunching in main window. how do I do that in Swift OS X .
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iMessage sticker app error message pid:2336

I am trying to build an iMessage sticker application. Following along with the template I run into the same issue each time where the app will appear to run, but then I receive the following error message and my stickers are not attached to the…
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When stored data retrieving from coredata to tableview, the text dispalying in one cell itself, its not displaying another cell

When stored data retrieving from CoreData to tableView, the text displaying in one cell itself, its not displaying another cell. how can I get the text in individual cells. func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section:…
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iOS 10 runtime missing

I have the latest Xcode 8 beta 6 but I do not see any iOS 10 simulators. When I try to add one, I do not have the option to select iOS 10: I tried removing and re-installing XCode 8 but it does not help. The content of…
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cannot build project with xcode 8 beta 6

I am getting following error after I add a library via carthage - library name compiled with older version of Swift language (2.0) than previous files (3.0) for architecture x86_64 I have tried it with Argo library.…
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Xcode 8 Beta 6 Swift 3 Argument List Error

I am using CloudKit and have a Model class with a method which saves user preferences to the cloud database. I have successfully updated my Swift 3 syntax to account for the latest proposals released with Xcode 8 beta 6. However, I have one last…
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TableView refresh and textfields

I have a problem. In my app I have an embedded tableview. Tapping a button (first button) it is showed a view with a textfield and a button (second button). I want that what I write in the textfield of the second view, pressing the second button,…
Try develop
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