Questions tagged []

Xamarin.Android (previously known as Mono for Android) is an implementation of Mono that runs on the Android platform, allowing you to write Android applications in C# using native Android libraries as well as using the .NET BCL (Base Class Libraries). Use this tag for issues that only occur when using Xamarin.Android, or when using Android-specific features.

Xamarin.Android (previously known as Mono for Android) is an implementation of Mono that runs on the Android platform, allowing you to write Android applications in C# using native Android libraries.


17200 questions
4 answers

(Android Xamarin) Get Resource string value instead of int

Im just starting to create a simple android app with the use of Xamarin using VS2012. I know there is a type of Resource just for strings. In my resource folder, i have an xml file like this:
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2 answers

Output of DataContractSerializer differs between .NET and Mono

I am serializing data in a Mono For Android application and sending it using REST to a .NET server listening using WCF. So far this has worked fine, however, with this particular data contract, although the server throws no errors, the Lists inside…
Jonathan L.
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5 answers

Android Activity Background Image

How do I use a background image in an Activity theme/style? If I do this using a colour: It works correctly,…
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9 answers

Android Intent Chooser to only show E-mail option

My app integrates e-mail where the user can submit a bug report, feedback, etc. from the app directly. I'm using the application/octet-stream as the SetType for the Intent. When you go to submit the e-mail you get the content chooser and it shows…
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7 answers

Error CS1703: Multiple assemblies with equivalent identity have been imported - Xamarin + VSTS

I upgraded to the latest Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition), recompiled my projects, checked in a few small code changes and my VSTS build server fails with this error message: [error]CSC(0,0): Error CS1703: Multiple assemblies with…
Quality Catalyst
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6 answers

Where is the debug.keystore on Mac?

I'm trying to generate my fingerprint and it supposed to be here : ~/.android/debug.keystore, but I don't have nothing there, although I can run my monodroid projects normally as well, so how can I find the debug.keystore file?
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2 answers

Prevent Orientation change in Xamarin Android Application

Is it possible to prevent the orientation of an Android application from changing ? I have an application that previews the phone camera and I would like the orientation not to change. I have tried adding this to the manifest but it did not make a…
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8 answers

Targeting/Developing for multiple mobile platforms with one programming language (C#)? Cost-Benefit?

Today it is possible to use C# programming for multiple mobile platforms such as: WindowPhone7 Android - Monodroid iPhone - Monotouch (feel free to edit if I missed some) Of course, it is still programming effort for UI, but main libraries of app…
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14 answers

Visual Studio 2017 - Xamarin - The file "obj\Debug\android\bin\packaged_resources" does not exist

I'm fighting with that issue for 2 days already and can't find any solution. I have an Xamarin Android app in Visual Studio 2017 consisting of three projects: Xamarin.Android project (main one) Android-specific unit tests run on the device -…
Dawid Sibiński
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1 answer

How to stop a process from System.Diagnostics.Process and get the statistics in the end

I'm using this code but when i stop the process it not get the ping statistics : System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = "ping"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-c " + count + " -i " + interval + " -s " +…
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7 answers

System.ObjectModel Warning Xamarin does not run on Android

We are running the 'Welcome to Xamarin` example on Visual Studio Enterprise, using the latest Xamarin, in a Windows 8.1 environment. We are managing to build and run on both Windows and Apple, but we are facing problems with Android. Error: The…
Neil Camilleri
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1 answer

How to register my own Application subclass in Xamarin.Android?

I have public class MyApp : Application In Java I would add a line to the manifest and pass it the namespace and name of my application:
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1 answer

Xamarin.Android builds/deployments are very slow. How to speed them up?

We have a large Xamarin.Android project with two depending projects and a bunch of third party dll's. Doing a debug deployment (without any changes) onto a Hax-x86 Emulator or a Nexus 5 device is painfully slow (> 80 seconds). For comparison the…
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6 answers

Android USB debugging in VirtualBox

I am trying to get mono for android (aka monodroid) working within a windows 7 virtual machine on virtualbox but I am having issues with the adb connection to my phone. When I run "adb devices" to list the devices present it show up no problem, but…
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2 answers

Java.Lang.NoClassDefFoundError when implementing firebase cloud messaging

I am implementing push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging, for this I added this code in my AndroidManifest.xml file