Questions tagged [woothemes]

WooThemes is a Wordpress theme and plugin development firm. The company is known for their large portfolio of themes including their flagship theme and the highly-customizable ecommerce plugin, WooCommerce.

237 questions
5 answers

How to filter WooCommerce products by custom attribute

I'm trying to filter WooCommerce product archive by custom attributes. For example, there are 5 products with attribute "color" containing "red", and another 3 with attribute "color" containing "blue". How can I apply a filter to the products loop,…
3 answers

Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different combination WooCommerce

I have changed dropdown to radio button using wc-variations-radio-buttons-master The different color is also actually radio button. The current link product have 12 such variation which have product and not other. Some combination I can explain…
Sajid anwar
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5 answers

How to install missing woocommerce pages from tools menu in woocommerce 2.1.5

I have recently installed WooCommerce 2.1.5 that skipped logout and change password links during pages install. In WooCommerce documentation, the WooCommerce team mentioned that there is a feature to add missing pages from tools menu but when I go…
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8 answers

Wordpress (Woocommerce extension) - Create new order programmatically

I want to create a new order programmatically. Workflow is simple: After submitting simple form, user will be created and along with that, a new order. I managed to create a new user and user_id is returned, now I need to assign a new order all in…
Jozko Golonka
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1 answer

Woocommerce - Is it possible to add variable products to a grouped product?

I have list products in a particular group... in this case, a bed set. comforters, pillows, shams, etc. Some are variable products (comforter sizes), and some are simple products (pillows). I would like to create a product group called XYZ Awesome…
Joseph Wer
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4 answers

Add custom css class to WooCommerce checkout fields

I would like to be able to add a custom CSS class to my WooCommerce checkout fields. I'm using twitter Bootstrap and I would like to be able to use their .form-control class. I looked in the woocommerce templates folder in form-billing.php but I'm…
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3 answers

WooCommerce Variations as Radio Buttons

is it possible within WooCommerce to change the variations dropdown into radio buttons without having to work with a plugin? I would like to have the following setup on the variations section: 1 liter (10€) 2 liter (20€) 3 Liter (25€) The price at…
Sam De Decker
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4 answers

How to re-enable introductory onboarding wizard after reinstalling WooCommerce

I uninstalled my WooCommerce plugin and chose to delete all data. When installed it back I cannot see the Introductory Onboarding Wizard. I need it to create my shop and all the pages again. I suspect this is because some traces were left from the…
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6 answers

How to hide images until AFTER jquery flexslider finishes loading

I tried to integrate wootheme's Flexslider on my site and it looks/works great except for when it is loading. When you refresh the page with the slider, before flexslider loads (about 1 second) the first slide appears very big and flashes to black…
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1 answer

Query woocommerce booking by availability date

I use Woothemes booking for my woocommerce site As i build custom search for products, i have to search for availability also, here is how i should manage availability from B.O and how the plugin stores to database…
1 answer

woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta action is not working

Hi today i was working with woo-commerce and i have successfully created some custom checkout fields as per user requirements but i am unable to save them in database. Here how i created custom checkout fields...its in child theme…
Aitazaz Khan
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3 answers

How to get the stock quantity of an article from woocommerce?

i got a little problem with displaying the stock quantity correctly. heres the loop:
Bill Bronson
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3 answers

Where do I find my Google Font API Key? (Newbie)

I am working on a Wordpress site. Woothemes framework, Canvas theme from Woothemes. Have installed the plugin Google Webfonts for Woo Framework. So far - so good. Now I need a Google Font API key. So I have a registered developer account, and a…
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1 answer

Woocommerce Cash On Delivery Add Custom Field

How can I add a custom textarea field right below cah on delivery so when you click on the cash on delivery radio button a textarea appears to enter details that get saved into the order?
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1 answer

Woocommerce Add To Cart adding whole stock into cart

I am in a condition to add a product with an another product into cart. So that whenever someone is purchasing a product another complementary product should be added to the cart automatically. So here is what i have been trying : function…
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