Questions tagged [wkwebviewconfiguration]

155 questions
2 answers

WKWebView must stop detecting phone numbers

I have WKWebView application, and i want to stop it from parsing phone numbers and links in texts, i set webView.configuration.dataDetectorTypes = [ WKDataDetectorTypes.address ]; before actually loading page, but it doesn't help, full code…
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How to enable cookies acceptance in WKWebView in ios

I have a native iOS app with WKWebView. Since i'm facing a session lost issue in iOS App. While app is idle for a long time. And i try to use it. I lost all session in my WKWebView. I hope cookies are lost , so session is lost. There is any way to…
Eldhose Elias
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1 answer

Disabling cookies in WKWebView

Is it possible at all to disable cookies and local storage in a WKWebView? Let's say that this is my setup, and I want to add something that disables them: import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate { var…
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WKWebView only showing desktop site

I just migrated from UIWebView and my new WKWebView will only show the desktop version of the site I'm loading. My UIWebView showed the responsive site appropriately. I have tried forcing a mobile User-Agent and confirmed that it is coming in on to…
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Can using multiple WKWebViews be as fast as reusing the same WebView

My app is much faster when I reuse the same WKWebView for new navigations (but I would love to be able to create new WKWebViews for each navigation so I can maintain a ViewController stack). I've noticed however, that the pages load slower when I…
Michael Cueno
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Stop wkWebView sound when dismissing containing viewController

In my view controller i have a WKWebView which play video with sound When i dismiss the the view controller using: self.presentingViewController?.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil) The video sounf still play. How can i stop it?
Michael A
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WKWebView: calling javascript after page is loaded

I am doing the following: load a WKWebView, lets call this view A ask the user to enter some details ask the user to click a button intercept the click on the WKWebView and PUSH a new view on the application, lets call this view B allow the user…
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How to keep user logged in on WKWebview in SwiftUI

I have a website that asks for login in initial page and I would like to have users stay logged in so they don't have to input the login info every time they turn on the app. Here is my current code for calling WKWebkit. It does everything I need it…
1 answer

How do I use WKWebView on my second scene

I have been trying to make a basic app for just a few days and I would like the Webkit View only to popup when a button is pressed. I have put the code I was using but it just showed the site and nothing else. class ViewController: UIViewController…
1 answer

WKWebView how display video content in website player and don't use fullscreen AVPlayer

When I am open website with video content inside WKWebView and press on video this video player will be open in avplayer, it's possible open this video using default website player?
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WKWebViews (multiple) - sharing cookies, localStorage in Swift

I'm having such an irritating issue. I have a UITabBar application with 5 tab bar buttons. Each hooked up to a viewController: FirstViewController, SecondViewController etc. In each of the 5 ViewControllers I have a WKWebView. The 5 WKWebViews…
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WKHTTPCookieStore HTTPCookieStorage synchronization class

Use case: I have two WKWebViews, one in a main app and one in an app extension. I want them to share the same cookie store. Apple APIs have 2 different cookie storage classes: WKHTTPCookieStore and HTTPCookieStorage. Apple also has…
1 answer

iOS -WKWebView - load content from local host directory/files (.js and assets)

I want to run a local HTML file in a WKWebView. Then I want to use some local files (.js and assets) from a local directory located in the app bundle or from a path in the app documents directory Then serve them on my localHost. It looks like I…
0 answers

iOS WKWebView won't access iPhone XR camera

I created an iOS WebView app and wanted to display the following website: within this app through WkWebView in fullscreen. Opening it up on safari works perfectly fine and before I can use it I get the message regarding…
0 answers

WKWebView: Pefetching assets to improve load time

We are trying to create a WKWebView in the background on application launch so that we can improve the speed and load times of WKWebViews when the user accesses a feature/URL later on. Basically trying to pre-fill the local cache with a few larger…
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