Questions tagged [wkwebviewconfiguration]

155 questions
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Don't show ImagePicker in WKWebView iOS

I would like to have a WKWebView that does not display the ImagePicker but uses an image I have selected. Is something like this possible?
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After login new page is not loading in WKWebView

I am using WKWebView in swift4 Xcode 10. I am loading a site and user is supposed to logged in which will take him to next page which is a dashboard. The url is perfectly working in Safari. User can easily logged in but when I load the url in…
Muhammad Nayab
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WKWebView in iOS and Mac OS Problems Not working in Mac OS; Why?

I open a default cocoa app; one for Mac OS and one for iOS using Storyboards. I drag a Web View (WKWebView) into the default view supplied by Storyboard. I modify the default ViewController.swift file so that for ios it reads import UIKit import…
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3 answers

How to use same cookie on different WKWebViews

i need to use same configuration (cookie) on the second WebView after the user is authorized on first WebView. On simulator it's work well, but on device is not stable. class auth: UIViewController, WKNavigationDelegate, UIWebViewDelegate { private…
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WKWebView property "plugInsEnabled": where is it good for?

The WKWebView control has a property plugInsEnabled as part of the preferences of the configuration property of the said control. The documentation states: A Boolean value indicating whether plug-ins are enabled. Apparently the documentalist…
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PDF from URL not displaying correctly in WKWebView?

I can get HTML pages, YouTube videos, etc. to load into this WKWebView and display correctly, but PDFs tint the entire view, are cropped at the bottom, and cover the background of the nav bar when scrolled up. I want the PDF to only display in the…
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evaluateJavaScript() with Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 just on iPhone 5 - iOS 10.3.3

I want ti evaluateJavaScript() which is a function from WKWebView I get the error with detail is: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set."…
Huy Nguyen
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Use the same WKWebView in other classes

Hi I'm currently using WKWebView in my Swift 3 project. Is it possible to keep the same WKWebView in another class, so that you are running one main WKWebView in different classes? I've tried to do this with WKProcessPool and WKWebsiteDataStorage,…
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Shared cookies with WKProcessPool for WKWebView in Swift

Can anyone please tell me how to create a WKProcessPool in Swift? I'm not familiar with Objective-C. I have to create a WKProcessPool in order to have shared cookies with all WKWebViews. I want to keep cookies even when showing another…
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iOS Objective-C LocalStore in WKWebView

I found this SO that gives an explanation of how to set local storage using javascript. I'm trying to translate it from Swift to Objective-C. For some reason it's throwing a fit at me like I'm missing a bracket but I can't seem to figure it out. Any…
Tom Hammond
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Pass info from Angular4 (WKWebView) to Swift

Hi I have a web app that I am wrapping into a WKWebView to distribute through Google Play and App Store. In order to get this working just the way I want, I need to be able to pass some text strings between Angular and Swift. It is the passing of…
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WKWebView autocomplete suggestions in UITextField

I am using a WKWebview to display web page and have a UITextField where the user can enter the URL they wish to navigate to (in-app browser of sorts). As the user is typing, I would like to display a list of possibilities (i.e. popular sites). Are…
David Tsenter
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iOS: evaluateJavaScript will not invoke function when parameter contains newline character

The goal is to invoke a callback function inside a web page contained inside a WKWebView. evaluateJavaScript breaks when its parameter contains the newline character, meaning the callback function never gets called. Why is…
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Cannot use JavaScript to open links in mobile Safari when called from WKWebView

This post and this post addresses the problem of using JavaScript to open WKWebView links in mobile Safari, but for some reason, the solutions provided don't work. The code below incorporates elements of different solutions, yet still the link does…
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WKWebView with Basic Authentication in Swift complete example

I have been trying to put together an example of a WKWebView with a site that authenticates with Basic Auth. I want to use swift if possible. The examples that use the challenge with URLCredential(user: user, password: password, persistence:…
J Wagner
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