Questions tagged [winexe]

winexe remotely executes commands on WindowsNT/2000/XP/2003 systems from GNU/Linux.

winexe remotely executes commands on WindowsNT/2000/XP/2003 systems from GNU/Linux.

44 questions
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WineBottler erro when trying to run .exe on Mac - Wine64 error 1114

I currently installed wine on my MacOS so I can install a windows trading software. I got into a tutorial on how to install WineBottler on my MacOS Catalina. Installed all the needed softwares. But when trying to launch a .exe file I get the…
2 answers

appcmd.exe set config doesn't check if username or password is invalid and sets it anyways

I'm using winexe from my backend api to run commands on Windows Domain Server. I want to set IIS App Pool Identity as an Account from Active Directory. The problem is that while using this command : %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config…
Omair Nabiel
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Winexe - ERROR: Failed to open connection - NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_RESET

We are trying to execute windows command remotely from Linux(CentOS 7) to Windows 10. I have setup Winexe in CentOS 7. I think setup seems fine [user@abcd build]$ ./winexe-static -v winexe version 1.1 This program may be freely redistributed under…
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Variable as argument to winexe command in execl function is not working

I want to execute winexe command through execl function call in a C program. It works if i hard code credentials and machine name in execl call as follows execl("winexe","winexe","-U","Domain/Username%Password","//hostname","ipconfig",NULL) But if…
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wine is not working. Unhandled loader error: 8

i am trying to run a program through wine but it giving me a error fixme:mscoree:parse_supported_runtime sku=L".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" not implemented fixme:mscoree:ConfigFileHandler_startElement Unknown element L"dependentAssembly" in state…
1 answer

Activating programs on Windows using winexe

I am using Windows 10. I am trying to run run a .bat file which will trigger VLC to listen to a multicast stream. The below is what I am trying to execute from a linux machine ( which I intend to use on a python script) winexe -U admin%kiranc -W…
0 answers

Powershell Wrapping using Winexe / Linux

This is the powershell command which works fine under windows powershell cli. Get-ChildItem -Path c:\backup -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.length -gt 1GB} | Sort-Object -Property Length | Format-Table Name,@{name='Size…
Syed Jahanzaib
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winexe execute command on windows with pipe and quotes

1- dsquery user -disabled | dsget user -display -email -dept -title 2- dsquery computer -limit 1000 | sort 3- dsquery user "dc=YOURDOMAINNAME" -inactive 2 | dsget user -display -email -dept -title' Using WINEXE on Linux, I am trying to execute…
Syed Jahanzaib
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Winexe installation in Linux

I am trying to compile and build winexe. I have downloaded the samba source and ran the following command to compile the winexe. ./waf configure --samba-dir=../../samba --samba-inc-dirs=../../samba/ --samba-lib-dirs=../../samba/ I am getting the…
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1 answer

Multiple Quotes in one syntax using Python

Im using raspberry pi and i want to control another windows machine by sending command using winexe. i can use the command directly from the terminal. However if i use python to send the command, the command seems invalid. i can run this command at…
0 answers

winexe can not exit if launched from lua

I running my program in lua and the winexe function is launched by lua, the problem is the winexe will start correctly but does not exit. I had used file:flush(),file:close() and os.exit(), they all not working.Blow is my code: local command =…
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Why does winexe error out when executing this .bat script?

I've done some searching and found references to a neat little tool called winexe (which is great, since psexec is exactly what I was looking to emulate), but it's not QUITE working the way I'd like... What I'm trying to do is automate my memory…
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Why WinExe doesnt works when windows starts before user login?

I'm running tools called winexe on linux to run service on windows from linux. Each time, my apache services is down, that tools will monitor and automatically restart it. It works fine every time, except when Windows just rebooted, winexe cannot…
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Remotely Changing permissions of file pushed to W7 machine using smbclient

I have a file that I want to transfer to a remote machine that is running W7 32 bit I have a script that enables me to push the file to the machine from a linux management server, using a combination of: 1) smbclient to mount the Admin share on the…
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1 answer

Bypass the use of Domain in WinEXE

is there a way to bypass the use of domain in the winexe command?: winexe -U domain/username%password //hostname "cmd.exe" I have two PCs. one is running on windows and the other in linux. These two machines does not have a domain server. Just a…
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