Questions tagged [windows-server-2008]

Windows Server 2008 (sometimes abbreviated as "Win2K8") is one of Microsoft Windows' server line of operating systems. Released to manufacturing on February 4, 2008, and officially released on February 27, 2008, it is the successor to Windows Server 2003, released nearly five years earlier. A second release, named Windows Server 2008 R2, was released to manufacturing on July 22, 2009. Like Win Vista and Win 7, Win Server 2008 is based on Windows NT 6.x.

2769 questions
4 answers

How to determine root cause for Communication link failure TCP Provider: The specified network name is no longer available?

Here is my latest effort at revising this question. But this time, I am trying to follow the good counsel given by Oded in his article Getting good answers on StackOverflow. I need to find out how I can determine the root cause for the following…
6 answers

Is Windows Server 2008 "Server Core" appropriate for a SQL Server instance?

I'm setting up a dedicated SQL Server 2005 box on Windows Server 2008 this week, and would like to pare it down to be as barebones as possible while still being fully functional. To that end, the "Server Core" option sounds appealing, but I'm not…
Dave Ward
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5 answers

Windows authentication failing in IIS 7.5

I'm building a simple internal application for my company, and it requires Windows Authentication for security. All other authentication modes are disabled. I'm stuck in a situation where internet explorer prompts for credentials 3 times, then fails…
Ben Brandt
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2 answers

How to start git daemon on Windows

How do I start the git daemon on Windows in order to allow it to begin serving requests? Seems like msysgit is supposed to install it as a Windows Service or something but I don't see one.
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4 answers

Stopping cookies being set from a domain (aka "cookieless domain") to increase site performance

I was reading in Google's documentation about improving site speed. One of their recommendations is serving static content (images, css, js, etc.) from a "cookieless domain": Static content, such as images, JS and CSS files, don't need to be …
Chuck Le Butt
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4 answers

Automating Office via Windows Service on Server 2008

We have a Windows Service which runs on 2003 Server. It opens a source Word document using the Word Interop and then does some stuff with it. It also does likewise with Excel and PowerPoint files. Recently we've tried moving this service onto a…
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4 answers

Scheduling a task in Windows Server 2008 R2

I have scheduled a task to run a SSIS job using the Task Scheduler (TS). It is configured to run as a User who belongs to the Admin group. The security is "Run whether user is logged on or not" is checked "Dont store password" is checked "Run with…
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6 answers

This client is too old to work with working copy

Everywhere I go on google I get the same answer to this problem but it is the wrong answer for me. Originally I installed Subversion 1.5.6 for windows (i run Windows Server 2008) on my server and i made a repository for a project. Then I used a…
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6 answers

Delete a Windows Service without the EXE

I have a windows service running on a server (that I would rather not reboot if I can). The EXE for this service is gone (beyond recovery) and I don't have a copy (it was a debugging version that has since been updated). Is there anyway to remove…
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6 answers

Browser is not prompting for a client certificate

Background: I am updating an internal application to a two-step authentication process. I want to add a client certificate authentication process (via a smart card) on top of a traditional username/password form. The application is written in C#,…
5 answers

How do you get WatiN to work on Windows Server 2008 with IE8?

My problem is that I cannot get a simple WatiN test to reliably work on my development machine which is running Windows Server 2008 and IE8. I have seen a couple of good posts on this, but am still having problems. Here are the posts: MSDN Testing…
Kirk Liemohn
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6 answers

Ruby on Rails on IIS?

I'm writing a Ruby on Rails app that normally runs on Heroku or a Linux Box, but I'd need to deploy it to a Windows Server as well. The Server is a 64-Bit Win2008 Server with IIS 7.0 installed, so normally I'd prefer using IIS instead of setting up…
Michael Stum
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3 answers

Does IIS 7 have limit of simultaneous requests?

Does IIS 7 have some limit of simultaneous requests? I'm using Windows Server 2008. Thanks in advance.
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2 answers

Web setup MSI fails on Windows Server 2008

I have built a web setup project in VS2008 which installs my ASP.NET/Silverlight app into IIS. This works fine everywhere except on Windows Server 2008. I get this error message in the MSI installer log file: MSI (c) (C8:D8) [15:02:21:067]: Invoking…
Craig Shearer
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2 answers

What is the difference between web.config timeout and IIS timeout?

What is the difference between the following entry in web.config: And this setting in IIS 7.5 (Default web site > Advanced Settings > Connection Limits) : I know that the web.config is supposed to apply to the time…
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