Questions tagged [windows-defender]

Use with Windows Security which was formally called Windows Defender Security Center

Help protect my device with Windows Security

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125 questions
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Windows Defender reports my application as malware

It's a simple Windows Forms application using the Google Cloud SDK. I have properly signed the application using a purchased SHA256 Comodo CSC. My solution has a single EXE file along with dependencies (DLL files and images) that is embedded inside…
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How to avoid program to be detected as a trojan?

I made a small program to detect mouse moving from a screen to another on multiscreen configuration and it is detected as a trojan on windows 10 by windows defender. On my pc it is not detected (windows 7 pro 64) by windows defender nor my…
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Pyinstaller .exe throws Windows Defender [no publisher]

I developed a Python code and I converted it to an .exe with pyinstaller but the problem is that there is no publisher so each time a computer runs my program, Windows Defender throws an alert that says that there is no publisher so the program is…
1 answer

Why does Windows Defender detect compiled autoit executables as viruses?

I have another issue not related to script or syntax it a problem with the windows defender I write a very very basic program. this ProgressOn("Waiting", "Setup", "Loading") For $i = 0 To 50 ProgressSet($i) Sleep(50) Next but I don't…
0 answers

Windows-Defender and Visual-C++ development: Exclude Executables/Processes xor data folders?

This may be specific to Windows Defender, or it may be more generally applicable to more AV products on Windows. What it definitely is specific to is "compiled" Application development, hence I'm asking here, there should be a pretty clear technical…
Martin Ba
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How to ask Windows Defender Ransomware Protection for allowance to write a file without administrator permission?

First of all I want to explain my scenario a little bit: I have to maintain a legacy software product (25+ years old) based on plain old WinAPI. The difficulty is, that we have no code for that, and the original author company is long gone (RIP @…
Christoph Meißner
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How to make a code signed certificate for an exe program?

I am in a very tricky situation and I will attempt to explain it as well as I can. I will write my problem in concise numbered steps and at the end, I will boil this down to one or a few clear questions. I wrote a program in python. (no other…
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Powershell & Windows Defender limitations

I'm trying to write a PowerShell script to automate some scanning activities using Windows Defender. I've noticed a limitation with the published code which I'm interested to know whether or not there is a workaround. Is there any reason why when…
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Windows Event Viewer giving cryptic string values for its attributes in XML mode

I am trying to log windows defender events from Event Viewer using C# .net framework. When I try to capture Event data attribute values via reading XML it gives me weird string values for some attributes like Origin Name, Execution Name, Type Name,…
Pratik Patil
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Windows Defender/Security deletes my "hello world" program

I'm trying to start a new C project using BearLibTerminal, compiling with gcc. I'm able to compile the hello world, but when I try to launch, Windows Security gives an error, which reads "Operation did not complete successfully because the file…
Sam Warren
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2 answers

Why does this code cause Windows Defender to go crazy and identify this code as a trojan called Ludicrouz.j

I'm working on a desktop app using a library called Raylib, for those of you who don't know what Raylib is, it's an open-source rendering API that is used to make games. By default, Raylib doesn't let you resize or maximize as a window. To get…
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Why is Windows Defender delaying the start of our piece of software?

I'm trying to help the SuperCollider community to try and understand how we can prevent Windows Defender from delaying the execution of one of the executable, on a up-to-date Windows 10. The original github issue can be found on github. Here is the…
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My C++ program is blocked and deleted by Windows Defender

I've written a small C++ program which checks if Windows clipboard content has changed and prints a type of that content. I compiled the program to .exe file using Windows Visual Studio 2019 and it was blocked by the Windows Defender (file was…
1 answer

Defender Preference PowerShell commands differ from corresponding registry keys

I am trying to configure windows defender preferences through PowerShell as administrator. I am using the following commands: Set-MpPreference -ScanScheduleDay 5 Set-MpPreference -ScanScheduleTime 03:57 However when checking the results with…
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High windows defender CPU usage while running python script

I am working on a python script that pulls data from an Access database via ODBC, and pulls it into a sqllite database managed by django. The script takes a fair while to run, and so I was investigating where the bottle necks are and noticed in Task…
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