Questions tagged [window-soft-input-mode]

111 questions
16 answers

windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" not working with translucent action/navbar

I have problems with the translucent actionbar/navbar in the new Android KitKat (4.4) and the windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize". Normaly, changing the InputMode to adjustResize, the app should resize itself when keyboard is shown, but here it…
8 answers

Android: Resize only parts of view with soft keyboard on screen

I have a view with a Edittext field on top of an ImageView. When the keyboard comes up I want the window to resize so that EditText is no longer hidden by the keyboard. In the AndroidManifest file I declared…
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9 answers

Keyboard hiding EditTexts in Fragments

edit: I need to use the keyboard, but it hides my EditText, I need it to scroll so the keyboard is not hiding it. I am using a Samsung tablet. My style: parent="android:Theme.Holo.NoActionBar.Fullscreen" The EditText fields are in a scrollable…
1 answer

get android:windowSoftInputMode attribute programmatically on Android

I am aware that the android:windowSoftInputMode manifest attribute can be set programmatically using the following method: getWindow().setSoftInputMode( WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE); Is there any way to get…
Dean Wild
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4 answers

adjustResize does not work with CoordinatorLayout

I have the following layout in my android app but I have a problem with windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" in the activity: The LinearLayout named "container" contains multiple EditTexts but when one of them has focus and the keyboard appears, the…
4 answers

Scrollview inside a viewpager fragment doesnt scroll when keyboard is shown

I have an activity which has a layout content as follows:
0 answers

adjustResize Property Doesn't Work Properly With WebViews in Android

I have an activity that displays an HTML form in a WebView. Here's my manifest:
4 answers

Why doesn't my layout move up enough with "adjustPan"?

I had some issues using adjustPan in my app, as it is not working as it is supposed to do. Some other users also experienced this problem, so I think it's important to share this issue (Layout doesn't move up enough when clicking EditText). Note: I…
2 answers

adjustPan pushing my layout and hiding status bar

Using adjustPan in manifest pushes my layout to the top and makes my UI look ridiculous. This is my Android manifest:
cw fei
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4 answers

android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" is not working as it should be

Even though this problem has many solutions in stackoverflow, I could not solve my problem. I have two edit texts in the screen, one on top, another is attached to bottom of the screen. Whenever I click on bottom edit text, softkey board comes over…
2 answers

AlignParentBottom + marginBottom not working together

In my activity's view I have RelativeLayout in which there are two layouts: LinearLayout-"ll" (must be top of the screen) and Relative one - "rl"(must be bottom of screen). When I'm focusing on editText in the ll it opens keyboard and my rl ascends…
1 answer

How to use "adjustResize" to adjust view in Android using phonegap?

We can set android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustResize|adjustPan" to adjust screen view while user click on Edit Text Field. I want to do same thing in HTML form. While user click on Textbox then view should be automatically adjust so…
Chintan Khetiya
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0 answers

android:windowSoftInputMode... is there a javascript/meta tag/"web page" config equivalent?

I've got a web site "application" which is not an app, but an actual web page you'd use through Chrome or some other browser. In iOS invoking the keyboard (via an input element for example) doesn't change the viewport ratio or resize anything, but…
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1 answer

Different SoftInputMode in the same Activity, is it possible?

I try to set the adjustment of my fragments differently when the keyboard opens, but for the moment I have no positive results.enter code here The objective would be to readjust only one of the two fragments. Here is an example Activity public class…
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2 answers

Android edittext with multiline and adjustPan windowSoftInputMode

In my chat app that i'm currently working on, i have a bottom bar with an edit text and this is my layout for the editText :
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