Questions tagged [wildfly-8]

WildFly 8 is a release in a series of JBoss open-source application server offerings and an implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition 7 Platform specifications.


WildFly 8 was the first release of JBoss open-source application server offerings to bear the brand "WildFly". WildFly 8 is designed to be an exceptionally fast, lightweight and powerful implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition 7 Platform specifications. The state-of-the-art architecture built on the Modular Service Container enables services on-demand when your application requires them.


1040 questions
1 answer

Wildfly 8 Deployment Error (or) org.jboss.weld.context.ContextNotActiveException

When I tried to combine webproject (using jsf )and ejb project into single EAR project using eclipse on wildfly 8.0.0 Final, then the following errors come up. I don't know the reason why these errors appears. In fact, each individual project (both…
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Is it ok to deploy today with Wildfly8 waiting for the next JBoss EAP to be released?

I'm about to start working on a project to be deployed later this year and would like to use JDK8. We use JBoss EAP for production but the latest JBoss EAP, 6.2 (based on JBoss AS 7.3) does not yet support it. From a compatibility perspective, is it…
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Only get node with unversioned changes - JCR ModeShape

We have a couple of nodes in JCR which are supposed to versioned at midnight. Of course we only want to create a new version if there was a change to this node since the last time it was versioned. Is there a way to get all nodes with unversioned…
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JBOSS 8 Wildfly config, configure default logging format?

I wanted to know if it is possible for Wildfly to set a default logging format in it's config file?
chris polzer
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What is this parent (jboss-parent) that the parent pom in Wildfly Quickstart is pointing to?

org.jboss jboss-parent 14 Where should this parent go, once I find it? Or is it safe to ignore?
Patrick Garner
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How to setup jacoco java agent in wildfly

I have to setup jacoco with wildfly. i have provided java opts in standalone.bat. i have jcoco ant tasks for coverage and report. i am getting test code coverage always 0%. my junits extend cactus servertest. if i do not extend servertest(cactus) i…
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Deploying HawtIO to WildFly 8.0.0 fails

I have had HawtIO running under JBoss AS 7.1.1 but when I try to deploy to WildFly 8.0.0 it fails with the following org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type Injector with qualifiers @Default at…
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Wildfly CLI not working for me

All I did was download wildfly-8.1.0.CR2 and extract it. standalone.bat and add-user.bat work but jboss-cli.bat does not. F:\wildfly-8.1.0.CR2\bin>jboss-cli java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load library. Reasons: [no jansi64-1.9…
Patrick Garner
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Jboss as7 to WildFly migration weld unsatisfied dependencies for type

I'm trying to migrate a jboss as 7 application to WildFly. For some reason I am getting the weld unsatisfied dependencies for type Set. For just about every class that uses the @Inject (Using guice). I can not think of any way for solving this and…
David Limkys
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How to publish JMS message concurrently in one connection

I want know how to publish JMS message concurrently to different topic. Example: 1 thread to publish JMS message to topic X, 1 thread to publish JMS message to topic Y periodically (let say every 5 seconds) How can achieve that? Currently using…
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Wildfly not starting

We are not able to start wildfly service. The error shown is "It can not find the file specified" but it will not show which file it is not able to find. Also, it was working fine and suddenly it stopped working. Any idea anyone?
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Jboss(Wildfly) server log not able to print MDC key value using %X{key}

I have configured %X{key} pattern in standalone.xml file(at path /usr/local/wildfly/standalone/configuration) under logging module as given below.
Ranjit Soni
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Jboss AS 7 work with JDK8

I'm trying startup JBoss EAP 7.1.1 Final with JDK 1.8.0_144 in Window 7 enviroment. Each time I run the standalone.bat from command line I got following error. Server halt on starting cannot proceed anymore. 09:20:44,413 INFO [org.jboss.modules]…
Webster Lou
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Steps to Secure Wildfly 8

Steps to configure Wild fly 8 in secure way Cent OS 6 without security loop holes. 3 Points Delivering your configuration using property files Securing your configuration hashing passwords Securing and protecting passwords using a vault Apart…
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Load jars from a subfolder of WEB-INF in Wildfly 8 server

I have a set of jars located inside WEB-INF/jars/mylocation inside the war artifact. Are these jars available in the classpath automatically? If not , how should I make those available in classpath? I am using WildFly 8 as the application server.…
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