Questions tagged [wildfly-8]

WildFly 8 is a release in a series of JBoss open-source application server offerings and an implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition 7 Platform specifications.


WildFly 8 was the first release of JBoss open-source application server offerings to bear the brand "WildFly". WildFly 8 is designed to be an exceptionally fast, lightweight and powerful implementation of the Java Enterprise Edition 7 Platform specifications. The state-of-the-art architecture built on the Modular Service Container enables services on-demand when your application requires them.


1040 questions
1 answer

apache + mod_cluster + wildfly on Ubuntu

I'm trying to get the following setup working: apache 2.4 + mod_cluster 1.3 Final + ubuntu 14.04.2-server + Wildfly 8.1.0 Final and I'm successfully advertising the wildfly context to apache, but when I try to hit the load balancer I get a…
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7 answers

jboss wildfly datasource connection failing - No managed connections available within configured blocking timeout

I have a jboss wildfly server connected to a mysql database via a datasource configured on the app server. It hapens some time that the mysql database is not accessible for an amount of time (netework problem etc...), when the mysql is not…
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2 answers

Unable to fill pool (no buffer space available)

I'm using Wildfly 8.2 and fire a series of DB requests when a certain web page is opened. All queries are invoked thru JPA Criteria API, return results as expected - and - none of them delivers a warning, error or exception. It all runs in Parallel…
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1 answer

How to run WildFly-8.x with log4j2 & slf4j

I like to replace the standard logging mechanism in my WildFly-8.x with log4j2. My idea of doing this was adding the following jars as modules: log4j-api-2.3.jar log4j-core-2.3.jar and adding a module.xml to have the logger provided by the server.…
Robert Heine
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1 answer

Right way to configure the log in Wildfly 8.2

I have confusion in setting up the log in Wildfly-8.2.0. Initially I had used my own logging system, with log4j.xml built into the WAR file, all worked very well. But, when I make any changes to the log configuration I need to redeploy the app to…
Vijay Veeraraghavan
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1 answer

BouncyCastle 1.51 loading in war on Wildfly 8.0

Background I am trying to use bouncy castle library to decrypt private keys in my war. Now I tested the code first in a standalone app and it worked fine. Now when I am testing it as a webapp in Wildfly8.0 am facing some issues with Bouncy…
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1 answer

Database connections not closed after idle-timeout in wildfly Datasource

I have an application running under wildfly 8.1 The database connections used in the applications are taken from a Datasource defined in standalone.xml file. Problem: I don't know why but the Connection from the Pool never goes Idle and are…
Salman A. Kagzi
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2 answers

WildFly management - list/detect REST endpoints deployed in WildFly

Is there a way (e.g. from a WildFly management console) to list all REST endpoints deployed in WildFly? Or to list them in a log while a server is starting?
Jakub Godoniuk
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1 answer

How can I serve static resources from outside a war on WildFly

I may be wrong, but to my understanding, the following must be possible in WildFly: It must be possible to put a link into my JSF views (i. e. the xhtml files) to a resource (pdf, image, other xhtml file) that is already on the WildFly server. I can…
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3 answers

Memory requirements for WildFly

I never found an official documentation about it and I generally install WildFly 8.x on servers with, at least, 4GB. How much memory should my server have in order to run a WildFly instance? Is there a minimum recommended?
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1 answer

RabbitMQ configuration for Wildfly

Does anyone successfully replace HornetQ by RabbitMQ in Wildfly 8? I'm trying to use our enterprise messaging system and extract the logic of messaging from our base app server to separate the concern between messaging and our core product. I looked…
1 answer

Application runs into a Redirect Loop error WildFly8

I was trying to migrate the server from Jboss 4.2.2 to WildFly-8.2.0. Facing some issues while deploying the war file. War is getting deployed, but url rewriting creates issues. For 4.2.2 the same had been written in a file called…
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2 answers

Unable to resolve any beans for Types [org.glassfish.jersey.message.filtering.spi.ObjectProvider]

trying to move from Moxy to Jackson json media provider for my Jersey web service and found couple of issues which I can't resolve so far: first of all moxy was working fine for the same piece of code, but because we are using jackson everywhere in…
Fedor Skrynnikov
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5 answers

Wildfly error: Could not start http listener

I'm new to Wildfly and I hope you guys can help me with this problem: I'm following this tutorial on how to Install Wildfly 8 and when I'm trying to execute step 4 I get the following errors: I've been googling for a while now and I can't find an…
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2 answers

WildFly 8 Logging Levels

How do I modify the WildFly 8 logging levels, specifically server.log. Currently I suspect they default to INFO and would like to change it to Debug or Error. For reference I've been exploring these articles…
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