Questions tagged [weebly]

Weebly is a web-hosting service that allows the user to "drag-and-drop" while using their website builder.

169 questions
1 answer

edit css of elements within iframe

I am using some free instagram feed iframe code on my site and want to edit the size of the pictures on mobile...curently on desktop the feed is 2 rows of 5 pictures. on mobile I want to increase the size of the pictures to 50% width that way its 5…
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How does Weebly enforce javascript security for custom widgets?

Weebly is a drag and drop website builder and allows developers to create custom widgets that users can add and drag onto their pages. These custom widgets can contain javascript for interactivity. These widgets are not enclosed in an iframe and are…
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2 answers

Redirect from weebly to wordpress

I have a weebly website which I want to redirect it to a new wordpress site. I have already tried this code "" to the header of weebly but nothing happens. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you very much!
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Integrating R highcharter graphs into Weebly webpage

I am trying to include three javascript elements (interactive statistical graphs created with highcharter in R) via the `Embed Code' feature into my Weebly website - not in the header or footer but as elements in a single page (exactly what is…
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jquery .empty() working after two method calls only

I have written some jquery to, at a set interval, run a function that pulls the text from specifically styled divs and set the pulled text as the text for another div. My issue is that the new text is being concatenated to the end of the old text…
A Webster
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2 answers

How to disable the zoom effect on my product images?

I am using Weebly to create an online store, using a template and ran into something I dislike. Every time an user clicks on a product the product page comes up and if you hover over the product's image, a zoom function is initialized. How do I…
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How to set a different main content background for each page in weebly?

I have a Weebly website, and the default Weebly css and html code only uses one main content background (the background that fits the drag and drop area) for all pages on the website. I know how to customize this, however I dont know how to create…
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4 answers

How do I position an image to the top left corner of a div, and keep it there if the div moves?

I apologize if this has been answered time and time again. I remember searching thoroughly for an answer a couple years ago when I first wrote up my website script, but I couldn't ever find one. The same for now. Recently I reworked my website's…
2 answers

How to override Weebly Javascript on flyout menu?

By default, Weebly appears to append a jquery function to it's submenu, to hide the submenu and display it when the user hovers over the parent menu element. Does anyone know if there is a way to prevent this happening? It's all performed after the…
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1 answer

How can I fix the Lighthouse returned error: NOT_HTML. The page provided is not HTML (served as MIME type ) error for square/weebly website?

I am trying to use PageSpeed Insights in Google Search Console for Weebly/Square website and getting an error: Lighthouse returned error: NOT_HTML. The page provided is not HTML (served as MIME type ) It worked for me at the beginning (I tested 2-3…
1 answer

Sidebarnav push content with opacity

Trying to have my menu push the content to the left and make it opaque until the user closes the menu. With Weebly, the page HTML main content is shown as: The menu is a custom HTML embed item on the page. Below is the code I have for the menu…
Mara Hogan
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3 answers

Can you make a form with a single HTML file?

All of the examples of making drop-down forms that I can find involve having a separate PHP file. I'm trying to embed some code into a Weebly page, so I'm not sure that I can save a separate PHP file on the server. So is it possible to avoid PHP…
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How to Master the HTML/CSS in Weebly

I’m trying to update a client’s existing website with: Centered links in the navigation Social Media links on the right side of the navigation A Sidebar on the right side of the Home page that would contain links to their blog My problem is that…
1 answer

CSS - Flex Sidebar - full height of the page - Weebly

I have been working on a Weebly website: The issue is the sidebar menu on the left. If the sidebar menu has only a few menu items, the sidebar covers full height of the page and sticks to the page. If the menu has…
Joe Bloggs
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1 answer

CRSF cookie not set in iframed Django View within another site

I have a Django app with about a dozen views that I am currently hosting on Heroku. I can do POST requests just fine to the app when directly going to the app url, and I have the 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware' enabled. I am running…
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