Questions tagged [webserver]

A software application that services requests from clients using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

7703 questions
1 answer

Choosing approach for an IM client-server app

Update: totally re-wrote this to be more succint. I'm looking at a new application, one part of which will be very similar to standard IM clients, i.e text chat, ability to send attachments, maybe some real-time interaction like a multi-user…
Mr. Boy
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1 answer

Block index.php everywhere except in the root directory with .htaccess

I have a folder structure like this: subdir |_ subsubdir |_ index.php |_ other_stuff.php |_ images |_ pic.jpg .htaccess config.ini index.php Content of the .htacces file: Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews -Indexes Order…
1 answer

How to make reading and writing to file concurent in Golang?

I setup a webserver and I use my own package where I do some write/read from and to files. When the server gets a tcp connection, I start a different goroutine to handle the request for each connection. In the request handler func, I call the func…
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Python webapp run with multiple processes/workers server and watchdog thread

I need help to find out how to deal with following scenario: During (Django) web app startup, a watchdog observer thread is being run in background also. If watchdog detects new file in a folder, it moves the file into another location. While it…
5 answers

PHP IDE with Integrated Web Server

Note: This is not another "What is the best PHP IDE?" question. I'm looking for a PHP IDE with a specific feature, namely an integrated / embedded (php enabled) web server; ideally with xdebug pre-bundled. I already know that Aptana 1.5 has this…
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2 answers

nodejs webserver "undefined is not a function"

Im just going through a tutorial from a book (pro Angularjs) and having some trouble setting up a nodejs webserver. Like in the book described I use the following server.js to create it: var connect =…
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Win32com codes not working on IIS

I am trying to deploy a Python app on IIS webserver whenever there is a code that uses win32com objects is encoutered, it throws error, but the code is working fine on Python built-in webserver Here is the code: xlapp =…
1 answer

HTML interface for a python program running in loop

I'm new in python development. I have a program for control some sensors (I/O) that is running in a loop While True:. I would like to create a web page where I could see some values, some variables from my program. Searching on the web, I found many…
2 answers

How to write a multiprocessing web server in python

I have a simple web server in python which responds to the requests based on some configurations. Configurations define the percent of OK, NOK, Timeout and Null responses: import socket import sys import os import datetime import random import…
Zeinab Abbasimazar
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Implementing the server side of Webhooks

If I want to Webhooks-enable a web application (I'm referring to the server-side of things, ie the server where the event happens and the callback is initiated from), are there libraries for this, or is this functionality typically part of the web…
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Why can't I get netcat talking to my Rails server?

I have a Thin server running locally, serving a Rails app. Following an example in the netcat man page, I'm trying to use nc to talk to my server: echo -n "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" | nc 3000 But I get a 400 response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad…
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1 answer

HHVM standalone and runtime options

I have been trying to run HHVM as standalone web server for multiple domains and it looks like they are switching to FCGI mode only Is that the case or running it as standalone is still possible…
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QtSoap Network transport error (99): Error creating SSL context () Linux Mint

I have a problem with connection to a web service with ssl protocol. I was trying to connect with specyfied WebService using open libraries QtSoap. Since now I have been searching any solution of error which I have mentioned in the topic, but not…
2 answers

What is the easiest way to receive an HTTP GET request and trigger an action?

I have a Raspberry Pi that I use as a multi-purpose 24/7 device for DLNA, CIFS, VPN etc. Now I bought a TellStick, that is a USB device that can send 433MHz radio commands to wireless power switches, dimmers etc. The manufacturer offers sources and…
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Multi-user Interaction with a Linux back-end using a PHP Web Interface

I am working on a web interface that allows users to run programs on a Linux machine and appeal to the smarter minds on here for some help. Summary My intention is to create a web environment (behind a login) where webusers input or modify basic…
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