I have a folder structure like this:

|_ subsubdir
  |_ index.php
  |_ other_stuff.php
  |_ images
    |_ pic.jpg

Content of the .htacces file:

Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews -Indexes

Order Deny,Allow
<FilesMatch "(\.ini$)|(\.php$)|(^\.)">
    Deny from all
<Files index.php>
    Allow from all

My goal is to keep users from viewing subdir/subsubdir/index.php (and all other *.php files, no matter where, but this works already) but allow them to see the index.php in the root directory.

Currently, the user is obviously still able to see subdir/subsubdir/index.php, because all files named "index.php" are allowed, but I have no idea how to allow just the one in the root directory and deny all others. I have tried different things but endet up either completely denying or allowing them all.

I feel like this should be a very easy task but I just can't figure it out.

Things I have tried:

<FilesMatch "\.\/index\.php">
    Allow from all


<FilesMatch "^index\.php$">
    Allow from all


<Files ./index.php>
    Allow from all


<Files /index.php>
    Allow from all

1 Answers1


Comment out both FilesMatch blocks:

And use this code:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index\.php$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^\.|\.(ini|php)$ - [F,NC]
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