Questions tagged [webjob]

Used in cloud hosting services like Microsoft Azure

150 questions
3 answers

How to configure azure webjob to run every 15 minute

Good afternoon, my friends, I would like to inform you that I am Brazilian so I would like to apologize for my English. I have an azure webjob and want to set it to run every 15 minutes. I'm deploying my webjob using Visual Studio and I already have…
1 answer

Azure Webjob: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions x.x.x.x:80

I know there's a couple questions so far involving this error - but nobody has generated this error yet due to a webjob on Azure. My code is in the form of a C# Console Application. The main part of my code: HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var…
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How to install third party server's ssl certificate in Azure Trusted Root Store for WebApp?

I have hosted Mosquitto broker(MQTT server) on Azure VM. I am trying to connect to MQTT broker through Azure WebJob. When I connect to broker from local machine using self signed server certificate(ssl/tls connection) it works fine but when I host…
2 answers

Continuously running webjob is getting aborted after 20 Minutes

I am running a web job under my web app (App Service) in Premium tier. It calls a REST API endpoint, which takes a long time to return response. The web job is getting aborted after 20 minutes, but according to the documentation a web job can run a…
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Azure documentdb firewall blocked access from web job

I'm trying to enable Azure DocumentDB firewall by enabling the "Enable IP Access Control". I managed to allow connections from my App Service. However the webjobs that reside on the app service does not have access to the Azure DocumentDB. Is there…
Ismi Ammar
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1 answer

Azure C# Webjob TimeTrigger not firing

I'm attempting to create an Azure WebJob that will execute Functions.Methods on a set timer. I have setup a simple WebJob Project in VS2017 and added Microsoft.Azure.Webjobs.Extensions to allow me to reference Timers. As a learning process, i'm…
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Azure app service not using new/changed files

I have an PHP app running as an azure app service. On the app service have a webjob that runs every 15 min and puts new images in a public folder. The problem is that these new images isn't being found when i try to view them in a browser. If I…
1 answer

How to get the latest "Add Azure Webjob Dialog" in Visual Studio 2015?

I have Visual Studio 2015 version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3, I am seeing a strange behavior while adding a New Azure Web Project to existing Web Application I Expect to SEE But i see - Why am i seeing a old azure dialog, do i need to update any…
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2 answers

Publishing a windows service as a AZURE WEBJOB

I have a NserviceBus Handler that gets installed as a service on a VM usually. We are trying to get this to work on Azure as a PAAS. So the idea is to publish the solution as an azure webjob. When I do publish it as a web job I am getting a pending…
1 answer

Does the same job will run if web job run on multiple instance?

When I read the documentation for azure WebJobs, it found below statement For Continuous WebJobs to run reliably and on all instances refer to image below My WebJob workflow: Need to prepare the report for the newly created user in my application…
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Azure WebJob Schedule error - Object reference not set to instance of an object

I am new to Azure. I am trying to deploy a simple c#.Net console Application to Azure via VS2015. When, in Solution Explorer, I right click the solution name and select 'Publish as Azure Webjob', it gives me object reference error. I tried creating…
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2 answers

Upload a file to Dropbox from Azure webjob

I have been looking all over the place but I'm having a hard time finding out how to upload a file to Dropbox from an Azure webjob. Is this even possible? I will be creating an excel file and a text document in my webjob that i will need to place…
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Azure: PHP SQL Webjob not working. Why does it get thrown on query "execute()" statement?

In efforts to run a PHP webjob on Azure to insert a record into a SQL database, my code kept breaking on the $query->execute(); line. Here's what I did. First I went into my SQL database and created a login under the master db: CREATE LOGIN username…
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2 answers

Azure WebJob with queues and System.Threading.Timer

I'm using Azure WebJob to get messages from a service bus queue with success. But i wanted to use this same WebJob to run some methods every 5 seconds. I've tried the following approach, and locally it run fine, but when i publish it only runs…
1 answer

letsencrypt azure webjob pending restart

I setup letsencrypt on a web app on azure at the start of the year, and all was running fine, until today when we found the webjob hadn't auto-renewed the certificate. any ideas why it conked out? when trying to check the logs, it states I need to…
Vince Lee
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