Questions tagged [webdynpro]

Web Dynpro is a web application user interface developed by SAP AG and exists in both ABAP and Java versions.

WebDynpro is a client-independent programming model used for developing sophisticated user interfaces for web based business applications.Dynpro means Dynamic Program.

The naming conventions to be followed while developing Web Dynpro applications is :

Web Dynpro context names should use only the characters A..Z, a..z, 0..9, _ . Digits can be used only from 2nd position. The JAVA naming conventions can be followed but avoid using unicode characters to keep the names simple. However one should avoid using the prefixes wd, WD or IWD since these are the prefixes used during generation of internal coding entities.

Basic Concept :

1. View – is the central logical layout element in the Web Dynpro application.It is responsible for the presentation logic and for the browser layout.

Description of a visible screen area Contains and lays out controls (aka widgets) Defines actions (i.e. relevant input on controls by the user), which trigger event handling

2. Controller – active part of web dynpro application,handles the data flow between the model and the view in both directions

Performs event handling Each component has a component controller Each view has a view controller Custom controllers may be added for further structuring

3. Model – is the interface to the back end systm and is responsible for providing data to the entire application.

Represents the data in the backend

4. Component

Reusable UI program package Mostly contains views, often uses models Communicates with other components via component interfaces

5. Application

Something runnable (from client application, i.e. web browser) Identified by URL Running an application means starting a component, navigating” to an initial view in an initial window.

6. Windows

Single UI unit representing a component’s user Interface/View Composition needed for embedding purposes.

7. Context

A controller contains a context which holds the data. The data flow between the contexts is referred to as context mapping..

83 questions
1 answer

Getting the value of a method call (like sy-subrc) - WebDynpro

I'm trying to make an error check. When a user enters, int his case, an airline code that doesn't exists, the page should show an error message. The thing is: i'm using BAPI_FLIGHT_GETLIST BAPI and when I execute EXECUTE_BAPI_FLIGHT_GETLIST method…
Eva Dias
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How can I translate a Web Dynpro button?

I have the following button that I want to translate: (highlighted with yellow) The translations are maintained in transaction SOTR_EDIT (for DE, EN and ES), but if I logon in EN/ES, I still see the text in DE. The only difference between this…
Ovidiu Pocnet
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Tree with multiple-level hierarchy in WD?

This tutorial for "creating an ALV tree" describes a 2-level hierarchy which is more like grouping than a tree. Is there a way to create a tree control with a variable depth and width?
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Cannot edit specific webdynpro java views in project

I can't seem to edit some webdynpro java views, whenever I try to edit the code it prompts me to logon to DTR and when i do logon, a DTR console appears at the bottom and still i can't edit. I repeat this step over and over again no luck. Any…
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3 answers

When uploading Excel file with a date, it looks like '41851'', not '7/31/2014'

When uploading an Excel file in Web Dynpro for ABAP with date, the date looks like 41851 instead of 7/31/2014. How can I solve this problem?
1 answer

How to initially fill a WebDynpro table bound to a BAPI call result?

I am fairly new to webdynpro abap and have the following problem: I created a service returning a set of all existing customers. This function works well, if i test it in a litte program simply printing out the lines. now I created a webdynpro…
Philipp Andre
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Dynamically adding instances of a view to a TransparentContainer

I have a scenario where I'd like to N instances of a view to the TransparentContainer on a view with each receiving different parameters. To accomplish this I wrote some logic to dynamically create a cl_wd_view_container_uielement, add it to the…
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1 answer

Consuming flex3 components in Visual Composer 7.2 using Web Dynpro

Is there a way to export Table data to a MIME Resource(Flex3 component) from Web Dynpro? I have a flex3 component(US heat Map) which accepts a arrayCollection (state and value pairs). I need to create a webdynpro wrapper for this to use in Visual…
3 answers

how to set up environment for web dynpro?

Is there a way I can learn on Web Dynpro without having to set up an SAP environment? There was an opening for a job requiring Web Dynpro skills and it was mentioned alongside with other Java skills. I wanted to apply but have no clue on web dynpro,…
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1 answer

Set Categories on DateNavigator

My friend seems to be having some trouble with ABAP. Here's a copy of his question - posted on the SAP community forums. Hey Everyone, I am trying to mark the DateNavigator with two categories. I made a context called Marking, with attributes Date,…
Abhinav Gupta
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1 answer

How to access ABAP Web Dynpro components from iOS Mobile applications

Much of the business logic is written using ABAP Web Dynpro components on server side which are currently accessed using iViews for a SAP Portal. Is there a way to access these Web Dynpro components from iOS mobile applications (iPhone/iPad) to…
1 answer

Start MT_ORDER_APP07 app in change mode for a specific PM order?

Using SAP standard Maintenance processing WDA http://server:nnnn/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/mt_order_app07?sap-language=EN# Opens this as expected We want start in Change for a given order. I looked at the Parameters for the app and IV_ORDERID is…
phil soady
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1 answer

Field "GET_ATTRIBUTE(" is unknown. It is neither in one of the specified tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement

I'm working on my first webdynpro application. I used the wizard to call a function module from my componentcontroller. I used another wizard to call the componentcontroller method from a view method. After that I tried to use node attributes as…
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1 answer

Web Dynpro ABAP in Mac OS

I'm using sap gui in macbook os x. Whenever I execute the web dynpro programs, the browser will be opened and is keep on loading and it never ends. How can I fix this issue?
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1 answer

Get localhost of client machine in Java WD

I have created a java webdynpro in the portal intranet. The localhost of the local machine is needed, but I'm only able to get the servername, serverlocalhost and the local machine ip-address. When I'm running following code on a local java…
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