Questions tagged [webdeploy-3.5]

15 questions
4 answers

Automatically execute migrations when publishing ASP.NET Core app

Question Is there any ways that I can automatically execute the migration code (EF 7) when publishing my ASP 5 application to IIS using Web Deploy? I Tried in the project.json, I added this code in the scripts: "scripts" : { "prepublish": ["dnx…
0 answers

How to create a deployment package with SQL scripts in IIS

Using IIS-10, Web Deploy v3.6, Windows 10. It is an ASP.NET Website (not application) using SQL Server 2014 for the back-end. I was able to successfully create and deploy the package, but without SQL scripts. Could not find any info on how to do…
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Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, IIS 10, Windows Server 2016, Web Deploy 5 Error: "Make sure that Web Deploy is installed"

I installed IIS, Started Web Management Service, and Installed Web Platform Installer, checked the port, windows firewall is not enabled, shut down and started up, but still get the error that web deploy isn't installed when I try to publish with…
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Web Deploy connection timed out

I've previously had Web Deploy up and running without any issues. Following a company wide installation of Bitdefender, Web Deploy has stopped working. I've tried the following without any success Added the following rule to Bitdefender…
Sean Dooley
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Why is Web Deploy saying Administrator is not an admin?

I have a Server 2012 R2 machine on a domain to which I would like to use Web Deploy to deploy a web site. This works fine when I use my domain credentials. Web Deploy fails with ERROR_USER_NOT_ADMIN when I use either the Administrator account, or a…
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Visual Studio 2015 - Publish Fails after Validate Connection passes ok

I'm having a frustrating issue using Visual Studio 2015 web deploy. My publish action is failing on one machine, but works OK on a different machine. My solution is source controlled, so the code base is the same on both machines, and both build and…
1 answer

Unable to exclude files when automated deployment is run from TFS 2013 using build definition file

I am trying to exclude files when automated deployment is run from TFS 2013 using build definition file. The arguments (MSBuild Arguments) I am using in Build Definition are as follows:   /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MSDeployPublish…
2 answers

How to deploy non VS projects to iis web deploy?

I have an Angular application and hosted in IIS. I want to deploy this application using Web Deploy. I know VS solutions (.sln) could be deployed using MSBUILD and Publish Profiles. How to deploy non VS, static applications using web deploy? I'm…
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VS2017 message: publishing to the selected azure virtual machine has not been enabled

I am looking for help on how to resolve the following informational message when creating a publish profile in visual studio 2017: "publishing to the selected azure virtual machine has not been enabled". I'm trying to set up a new publish profile…
1 answer

Web deploy issue with sitecore media files

I am using File system for media and trying to get Web Deploy to work between CM and CD but running into issue when I try to publish media item. My WebDeploy.config looks like…
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.net WebDeploy is there any way to run command/script on the target machine after deploy

I have and .net/angular2 application, I'm publishing with WebDeploy. But when the publish finish I wanna run some command on the target machine like npm install npm run tsc There is a way to do that?
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Web Deploy Handler 404 error

I'm using web deploy to remotely install my website that is in packaged zip file that I created via VS2015 publish wizard. When I run msdeploy.exe I get a 404 error. If I use a false password I get and error 'using web management service, but could…
paul rockerdale
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Web Deploy Package containing output from Web Application and Database Project

In my organization the main product is a web application and an associated database. Both the web application and database is source controlled in TFS. We are running this product in various versions across hundres of IIS web site instances. When…
1 answer

Is there any way to install windows features like IIS just using command line interface?

I would like to provision a windows server 2012 with: Web Server Web Deploy and other IIS features. When I look at articles describing how to install there is a lot of images to show me what to do, just using a GUI way, but, command line interface…
1 answer

Generated *.SourceManifest doesn't include additional runCommand WebDeploy settings

I'm trying to configure a runCommand to wait more than the default value of 1 second to finish. This is a sample pubxml code: 60000