Questions tagged [web-frameworks]

A web application framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, web applications and web services. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities performed in Web development.

637 questions
4 answers

Comparing Haskell's Snap and Yesod web frameworks

The two Haskell web frameworks in the news recently are Yesod (at 0.8) and Snap (at 0.4). It's quite obvious that Yesod currently supports a lot more features than Snap. However, I can't stand the syntax Yesod uses for its HTML, CSS and Javascript.…
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18 answers

What Scala web-frameworks are available?

I've just started learning Scala, and the first thing I'm going to implement is a tiny web application. I've been using Erlang for the last year to implement server-side software, but I've never wrote web applications before. It will be a great…
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17 answers

Choosing a Java Web Framework now?

we are in the planning stage of migrating a large website which is built on a custom developed mvc framework to a java based web framework which provides built-in support for ajax, rich media content, mashup, templates based layout, validation,…
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9 answers

Can we say node.js is a web server?

I found that I am confusing between web framework and web server. Apache is a web server. Tornado is a web server written in Python. Nginx is a web server written in C Zend is a web framework in php Flask/Bottle is a web framework in Python RoR is a…
Kit Ho
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13 answers

Why is Ruby more suitable for Rails than Python?

Python and Ruby are usually considered to be close cousins (though with quite different historical baggage) with similar expressiveness and power. But some have argued that the immense success of the Rails framework really has a great deal to do…
Victor Yan
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24 answers

What are the pros and cons of the assorted Java web frameworks?

I am considering creating my own website using Java and am trying to decide what framework to use. However, doing a quick search for Java frameworks returns more than 50 to choose from! My website is just going to be for my own enjoyment of building…
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6 answers

Comparison of Clojure web frameworks

There are a few web frameworks for Clojure Compojure Webjure Conjure Moustache and also some libraries for dealing with certain web development subtasks, such as Enlive for templating Hiccup for templating Ring to handle lower level stuff with…
Adam Schmideg
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33 answers

Can anyone recommend a simple Java web-app framework?

I'm trying to get started on what I'm hoping will be a relatively quick web application in Java, yet most of the frameworks I've tried (Apache Wicket, Liftweb) require so much set-up, configuration, and trying to wrap my head around Maven while…
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13 answers

Django vs other Python web frameworks?

I've pretty much tried every Python web framework that exists, and it took me a long time to realize there wasn't a silver bullet framework, each had its own advantages and disadvantages. I started out with Snakelets and heartily enjoyed being able…
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14 answers

Simple Java web framework

Is there any simple java web framework like sinatra (for ruby) or (for python)?
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5 answers

Mature Clojure web frameworks?

What are the current choices of mature Clojure web frameworks? I am looking for some kind of feature matrix telling me what the popular frameworks support and to what extent, including: Response templating (response written in Clojure or in some…
Konrad Garus
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2 answers

Comparing Lift with Play2

I used play2 before with java. It felt a little bit like boilerplate especially if you used akka with java. But that is not the fault of the framework. Yesterday I read "Scala for the impatient" and I really enjoy the language. Now I looked at both…
Maik Klein
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12 answers

Making life better by not using Java web frameworks?

I'm so tired of having to learn yet another Java web framework every other day. JSP, Struts, Wicket, JSF, JBoss Seam, Spring MVC to name just a few - all this countless frameworks out there try to address the same issues. However, none of them…
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8 answers

Difference between Apache Tapestry and Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket ( ) and Apache Tapestry ( ) are both component oriented web frameworks - contrary to action based frameworks like Stripes - by the Apache Foundation. Both allow you to build your…
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7 answers

Vue.js $children by component name

I'm trying to access a specific child by name. At the moment, because of where the child is, I'm calling the child by this: this.$root.$children[0] Which is ok as long as that child is always [0] but it would be great if there’s a way to do…
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