Questions tagged [watson-studio]

IBM Watson Studio, a product that helps accelerate the machine and deep learning workflows required to infuse AI into your business to drive innovation. It provides a suite of tools for data scientists, application developers and subject matter experts to collaboratively and easily work with data and use that data to build, train and deploy models at scale.

196 questions
2 answers

IBM Watson CPLEX Shows no Variables, no Solution when solving LP file

I'm migrating an application that formerly ran on IBM's DoCloud to their new API based off of Watson. Since our application doesn't have data formatted in CSV nor a separation between the model and data layers it seemed simpler to upload an LP file…
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Unable to connect to Cloud object storage instance IBM Watson Studio

I am trying to connect to COS from IBM Watson studio but I get an error... When I hit enter I get the following error: Unable to find products data_catalog or data_science_experience in the entitlements response for account id:…
1 answer

IBM Cloud Object Storage Connection issue Watson studio Python notebook

I have been trying to get my Python notebook in Watson Studio to connect to and retrieve data from my cloud storage for hours and read many tutorials but no idea why it is not working, code below: credentials = { 'BUCKET': 'openai-data', …
2 answers

How do I load data from a StreamingBody object using Insert to Code to pandas in Watson Studio?

The Insert to Code feature enables you to access data stored in Cloud Object Storage when working in Jupyter notebooks in Watson Studio. Some file types (e.g. txt files) will have just StreamingBody and Credentials as insert to code options: How…
2 answers

Anaconda vs. IBM Watson Studio

When running code in Anaconda or IBM Watson Studio, is Anaconda and IBM Watson Studio using your local device’s RAM or are they running the code in the “cloud” servers?
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Link github to IBM watson

I want to run github project in IBM Watson Studio. Is there any way I can do it directly? Or I have to write the code from scratch in Jupyter notebook? I have already linked github repository with IBM Watson Project for publishing code but I want to…
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IBM Watson Studio: Convert an ibmdbpy.frame.IdaDataFrame to pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

I have a problem with the ibmdbpy.frame.IdaDataFrame type in IBM Watson Studio. I have two dataframes. The first of type ibmdbpy.frame.IdaDataFrame and the second of type pandas.core.frame.DataFrame. I would like to merge these two dataframes in…
4 answers

Why am I seeing a "Reseller channel 2c95500b-ea86-4b13-8bb5-b2f0c2fa8200 is invalid" error when attempting to create storage

I am attempting to create Cloud Object Storage to work in conjunction with a Watson Studio service instance. However, when I attempt to create it, the following error message is displayed: “Reseller channel 2c95500b-ea86-4b13-8bb5-b2f0c2fa8200 is…
1 answer

How do I fix issues with IBM Watson Image Recognition upload error? Screenshot of the error attached for reference

How do I fix issues with IBM Watson Image Recognition upload error? Screenshot of the error attached for reference.
0 answers

Error in Watson Visual Recognition service: Received empty image data response

I am using Watson Studio to build a Visual Recognition model for detecting weed in plants images by using Object detection. When I try to label more images for my custom object detection it pops up this error: An error occurred while updating…
1 answer

Connect to Jupyter Notebook via ssh

I desire to edit my jupyter notebook python script created on a cluster on Watson Studio Cloud on my local machine through my emacs editor. I know it is possible to do that and I was able to do so in other environments but not on Watson Studio…
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How do I use volley to post json object to Watson Studio API

I want to send this type of data to my deployed machine learning model API in IBM Watson-Studio from an android application using Volley. { "fields":[ "Gender", "Age", "EstimatedSalary" ], "values":[ Gender, …
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How to fix http response code 400 error in java ? Is there any malformed request syntax or invalid request message framing?

I created a ML model in IBM Watson Studio, and deployed the model into web-service. I need to create a java program which sends input and retrieves output from that web-service. I checked all my connectivity credentials there was no problem in…
Samuel I
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Save and deploy R model in Watson Studio

I've developed a little model in RStudio in a Watson Studio environment in IBM Cloud ( I'm trying to save the model in RStudio and deploy it in Watson to publish it as an API, but I'm not finding the way to save…
1 answer

create object with python ibm-cos-sdk get doesn't work

I need help... I can not access a bucket in my COS that I created with IBM Cloud dashboard from my notebook that I created in Watson Studio. Call this bucket3. Initially I created a bucket2 from a single (csv) file using IBM Watson 'Add…
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