Questions tagged [voip-android]

38 questions
1 answer

Accepting a Call via Bluetooth Headset VoIP

I am working on a VoIP-Android-App and The app needs to be able to accept/decline call thought Bluetooth headset. But the problem is that after adding connection to SCO audioManager.startBluetoothSco() audioManager.isBluetoothScoOn =…
Sergey Zabelnikov
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2 answers

Accepting a Call via Bluetooth Headset

i am working on a VoIP-Android-App. I would like to accept and decline Calls via a connnected Bluetooth Headset in an Activity. What I have tried so far: Using a Media Session to receive Media Button clicks. Problem: If we start BluetoothSCO we…
3 answers

AudioFocus request DENIED to OpenTok(Tokbox) when in same added Call, android 9 and 10

Android Telecom Manager no incoming audio/sound on an Added VOIP call I am trying to add a VOIP video calls in my app. I have registered the phone account and added the call to TelecomManager. Call is accepted successfully. I have already…
Basit ZIa
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Android Twilio Video Call, wake up app and bring to foreground

I am trying to provide a native video calling experience with Twilio Video Call. Here is the scenario: Person AAA calls person BBB. Person BBB does not have the app open, in the background or foreground, app is in killed state, phone may even be…
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VOIP Call Recording

I am working on a project to record VOIP calls in android, I didn't found any solution for that, there are lot of apps which support VOIP recordings on phones. I am unable to find any tutorial and help. Cube Call Recorder is one of the app which is…
Naveed Ahmad
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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Communication Between VoIP Clients?

I'm looking for a solution to exchange information using (UDP or TCP) between ** NAT ** separated android terminals or nodes, let's assume A and B are two android clients. I am working on a " remote VoIP application " in which clients are directly…
Muhammad Usman
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Twilio Send custom Audio bytes using LocalAudioTrack

I am working on Android VoIP Application which uses Twilio Video Conference API. Issue: How to send custom audio bytes recorded from AudioRecord to PSTN ? I have already tried one of the example given in Video-Quickstart-Android i.e.…
0 answers

Error while Receiving Incoming Call in Linphone call SDK for android?

I have been implementing VoIP Calling feature in an android app for a while now, most of the work is done but when a user makes a call to another user through the app, most of the time same person is receiving the call from where it was…
Harsh Jain
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How to set the status bar color in the whole device to green as the default phone app does?

I'm making an app that can place and receive VoIP voice calls. As I want to mimic the default phone behavior, I want to do the same the system does when having a phone call: painting the status bar green while having a call, to highlight the user…
Roc Boronat
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Android pjsip: First Incoming Video call gives CallmediaInfo status PJSUA_CALL_MEDIA_NONE

I am using Pjsip(v2.6) for VoIP Audio and Video call. I am facing issue in first Incoming Video Call. It always fails when I register a user and make a video call. When I was debugging my code, I found that I am receiving CallMediaInfo status as…
Aanal Mehta
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Not putting my CsipSimple Voip call on hold when third party call pick

I am develop a Voip Application using cSipSimple. now i want to show a busy tone when third party app call are coming (whatsapp, instagram and etc.)now the scenario is that i am on my voip call and some one call on my GSM number and i am picking up…
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linphone use SIP message for sending message in chat room

I am building an android application where I am using LinPhone Lib for audio/ video and sending a message using VoIP. I read a lot of blogs and finally, I got an EasyLinphone GitHub Code that is using LinPhone Lib for audio/ Video calling. I read…
1 answer

How to account logout from Csipsimple on click of logout button?

I am using Csipsimple for my Voip app. when i am click logout button the login screen comes but when i am call after logout on this number the incoming call is coming and call has been connected. fun disconnect(quit: Boolean, ctx: Context?) { …
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Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean' on a null object reference

I am getting weird type of Crash in the application, captured during Crash Analytics, even I didn't use the code for Bluetooth devices and didn't used these lines isBluetoothA2dpOn() as well. Furthermore, I couldn't trace the code that from where it…
1 answer

How to detect android.permission.USE_SIP

Now I have a serious problem with my manifest. I don't know why even after had android.permission.USE_SIP in manifest, this is not recognized. I use this code to detect. if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.USE_SIP) …
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