Questions tagged [vnc-viewer]

vncviewer is a viewer (client) for Virtual Network Computing.

132 questions
6 answers

Web based VNC client?

I am currently developing a web app which has a part where i have to open a specific machine through VNC to monitor its desktop. I am required to have a web-based VNC client, which means it shouldn't install a server or any other file on the…
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3 answers

How to fix broken paste clipboard in VNC on Windows

When using RealVNC on Windows, I can sometimes cut and paste from VNC into Window's apps, and sometimes it just stops working. How can I get it reset so it works again? I've tried restarting VNC, but that doesn't do it.
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4 answers

VNC viewer with multiple monitors

I am running a VNC server on Linux and a TightVNC viewer (ver.1.3.10 from 2/10/2009) on Windows with 2 monitors attached to it. I would like to have a full-screen session on both monitors at the same time, but whenever I do that, my full-screen…
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Key mappings in RealVNC client

I am using RealVNC viewer on Windows. I sometimes find it very difficult to shift from VNC to Windows. I have to use F8 -> Minimize and then Alt + Tab. I wish I had more flexibility. Can the following key combinations be somehow enabled? Win + D ->…
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8 answers

how to solve the "zlibinstream:exceeded bytesIn" error in vnc

Every now and then I get the "zlibinstream:exceeded bytesIn" error when trying to connect to my server through my vnc. Why do I get this error and how can I solve it when I get it - without restarting my server ?
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1 answer

Prevent users from sending windows(xterm, gvim, ..) to my VNC display

VNC allows any user to send their windows like xterm, gvim, .. to any other user's VNC, using -display option of command or by setting my VNC display in DISPLAY variable. Some users exploiting this feature and keep on sending xterms to my VNC. Is…
1 answer

how to utilize 2 screens with vncserver?

I have 2 screens and I am connecting to a vncserver that's running on centos machine with a VNC Viewer (v5.2.1) from my windows laptop. This opens a window that I can move from 1 screen to the other. I would like the session to use both screens and…
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2 answers

Connecting to Android Emulator through VNC

How can we connect to Android emulator through VNC with the help of noVNC using javascript? i would like to render the emulator on my browser.How can that be done.thanks
VJ Sai
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5 answers

Raspberry Pi VNC fail connection

I face a problem that I can ping to correct IP address, it have no loss. And also I use nmap ping the pi address, and I get it correctly. Then I using VNC viewer to try access to pi, but it always show up "The connection was refused by the host…
Jackdon Chew
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2 answers

while using tightvnc the host computer resolution cannot be changed

So when I connect my computer through vnc, the host computer displays the resolution of 640x480. Going to screen resolution, the display is set to "display device on: Mobile PC Display" the host computer is not plugged into a monitor but that…
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4 answers

Get key combinations

How can I get key combination of keys on keyboard E.G. (Ctrl+somekey, Alt+somekey) with Java? I use KeyEvent listener, MouseEvent listener for all keys on keyboard. I can catch all key event on keyboard by using that listener. But, I cannot catch…
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1 answer

can't see terminal or anything other thing than aws ec2 vncserver

I followed this guide to setup GUI for ec2 aws instance: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop vnc4server gnome-panel gnome-settings-daemon metacity nautilus gnome-terminal Ubuntu version in ec2 No LSB modules are…
4 answers

Automating VNC authorization process through command line

I am receiving a input as vnc:// What i want to do with this input is : 1. Extract the IP address. 2. Extract the password. 3. Launch vncviewer with the ip and password provided. 4. All this should this be automated, once…
Arihant Nahata
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1 answer

Can I launch VNC Viewer for Google Chrome webapp from my web page?

I am building a web service that gives VNC connections to remote machines. Currently I am using a project called novnc to embed the VNC inside a element in my web page. However, it is very slow, especially web browsers, eclipse etc. When I tried…
Debnath Sinha
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1 answer

X11vnc server exits when I close tightVNC viewer

I followed this blog to set up a VNC connection from my Windows 8 laptop to my BeagleBone Black. Digital Diner: Quick hint for Beaglebone Black user It works well except for one problem: the X11VNC server on the Beagle Bone Black exits when I close…
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