Questions tagged [virtualenv-commands]

15 questions
17 answers

How do I remove/delete a virtualenv?

I created an environment with the following command: virtualenv venv --distribute I cannot remove it with the following command: rmvirtualenv venv - This is part of virtualenvwrapper as mentioned in answer below for virtualenvwrapper I do an lson my…
11 answers

List all virtualenv

In virtualenvwrapper, is there a simple way to list all virtualenv on my machine? (like what yolk -l does to list all python packages in the current virtual environment?) CLARIFICATION: "ls -la" in my env directory does not count. I am looking for…
Calvin Cheng
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7 answers

Can I move a virtualenv?

This question is not a duplicate. It pertains not just to renaming a virtual environment, but to actually moving it to a different directory, including, potentially, a different user's directory. This is not the same as merely renaming a virtual…
Nathan Basanese
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3 answers

changing virtualenv folder on windows

after a computer fix my python projects dir (windows) changed (say from d: to f:). now all my virtualenvs are broken. after activating the env the project inside the virtualenv can't find the dependencies and the custom scripts (from the env\scripts…
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1 answer

differentiate mkvirtualenv and mkproject for virturalenvwrapper

I am talking about Doug Hellman's virtualenvwrapper. Well, as per him, once we install virtualenvwrapper, we should edit the .bashrc file as explained here what we do is we add the following three lines of code: export…
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Pycharm Virtulenv "non-zero exit code" after install wheel or module from pip

After installing kivy via a wheel i came upon an error in Pycharm when i refreshed my virtual env for python 3.4. The error is in the section Pycharm: Projects -> Project Interpreter -> [Virtualenv packages] Error/warning along the bottom shows…
1 answer

Virtualenvwrapper-win installed on Windows 10 but can't activate virtual environment

When I try to activate the virtual environment using the command workon , the virtual environment does not activate. I am using a Windows 10 machine and installed Virtualenv, VirtualenvWrapper, and VirtualenvWrapper-win . For example when I…
2 answers

How to fix "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory" when making Virtual Environments

Whenever I try to use the 'virtualenv VirtualEnvironmentName' command or the 'virtualenv -p python3.8 VirtualEnvironmentName' command it says "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory." I just want to make Virtual Environments, but I always get…
1 answer

Postactivate script for auto-changing to project directory

I have a one-line entry in my virtualenv postactivate script which notifies my of which virtualenv I'm in: export PS1="\[\033[40;1;36m\](`basename $VIRTUAL_ENV`)\[\033[00m\]\[\033[01;34m\] \W\[\033[00m\] \$ " I want to add a line which will also…
Darwin Tech
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1 answer

Trouble running scripts installed by virtualenv-commands on Windows

There's a problem with running installed scripts on Windows which can be seen below C:\Users\Piotr>where python C:\program files\Python\2.7\python.exe C:\Users\Piotr>python c:\program files\Python\2.7\scripts\ve init [Errno 2] No such file or…
Piotr Dobrogost
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1 answer

how to activate existing virtual enviroment (using pipenv)

I am working with a project in django where i am using virtual enviroment using pipenv shell (which created enviroment name (Django_and_Rest-YRrszWnq)) so in this enviroment I have installed many packages releated to this project Now I started new…
1 answer

Virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper seem to not work

A few months ago I installed virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper and pip, created a few virtual environments and played with Django successfully. After returning to my projects today, I am unable to use any of these commands. For instance: />…
1 answer

Issues w advanced virtualenv configurations on Mac for scikit-learn and matplotlib

In short: I am using virtualenv to manage a large amount of requirements but I am concerned that I have conflicting versions of major packages on my Mac. I have installed both scikit-learn and matplotlib via pip, but my PyCharm won’t acknowledge…
R Claven
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0 answers

Virtualenv transfer from Mac to Windows

I am currently working on a Django project that uses Virtualenv. Originally, I started the project on my Mac, and would activate the virtual env by entering: source env/bin/activate since the virtual env files are stored in a folder called "ENV"…
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2 answers

unable to install and use django 1.0 in virtualenv

Hi I am trying to install django 1.0 , I can install latest version of django in virtualenv using pip install django but I don't need it, I just want to install django 1.0 as I have to do some simple work in that. I have tried following things but…
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