Questions tagged [vim-quickfix]

16 questions
1 answer

Vim Quickfix prefixes double-bar "||" — explain?

I use the Quickfix view in Vim often. The text in there always has a prefix of || added to it. So, for instance, when I copy/paste out of that buffer, etc. I get those characters included by default. Is there a way to disable this? I haven't had…
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Cursor-highlighting in quickfix-window: QuickFixCmdPre overriding QuickfixCmdPost?

I would like my quickfix-window to have some highlighting for the current line of the cursor. After some research I found that I could configure the general appearance of the current line using set cursorline and highlight CursorLine term=bold…
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Vim errorformat string to show message in QuickFix removing part of it

I'm writing an errorformat string, and it works for the most part. My problem is that I have lines like this as the makeprg output: Some text I want to show in the QuickFix window^M Yes, the line ends with an spurious ^M character I want to remove.…
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vim autocmd: Event based removal and addition of group commands

I am using quickfix and I have it set up so that a cwindow is run right after a Quick fix command. Also, I have a template file for my C++ source files which I want to be copied at the beginning of my new source files. Here is my .vimrc: augroup…
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How do I reload the quickfix window from a running Gvim?

Say I've got a file called warnings.txt that holds a list of doxygen warnings I want to inspect. In order to do this, I start Gvim (Win32 if that matters) from a command line using gvim -q warnings.txt Then, Gvim starts and I can start to process…
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How to set which window Vim will choose to display a file selected from quickfix list

I have some windows opened in my vim (which were created using the split :split / :vsplit command). I also have a quickfix list populated with a list of files (which is the result of a grep command that I loaded using :cf command and then…
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Vim: Avoid having to press ENTER after successful make?

$ ls Makefile html-page/ page-generator.m4 Run includes/ Alongside the Makefile, I have a script Run that is executed only when make completes without errors. This I've managed to implement with the following in my…
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Vim quickfix: How to open :make entries that were compiled in different directory than vim working directory?

I'm diving into the quickfix list of Vim that looks quite awesome, however I am not being able to exploit this because of a relative path problem. Explanation: My Vim window path is . I have a custom make command in Vim: :set makeprg=west\ build\…
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How to search a pattern in between a string and show it in quick fix?

In my log file some times there will be many errors. I will filter the errors between the lines and will see the files which are executed in between. So in short I will search a pattern between ranges. 1000,2000g/.yaml:/# now this result is display…
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Is it possible to display result of Rg into quick fix window?

When i am searching :Rg , it is opening the result in FZF buffer. Often the filenames are not displayed fully in it. Also the once escaped the results are gone. I have to do research if need to check the same word again. but :vim /pattern/g…
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vim: vsplit opened on the left when opening a line in Quickfix

I use Ag to look for some pattern. The result is shown in the Quickfix window. I want to open one occurence in a new vertical split. By typing v the corresponding file is opened. However the new vertical split is always on the left, even I have…
Long MaX
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vim-like quickfix plugin for CLion

There is amazing feature in vim called quickfix (don't remember if it's plugin or the native thing), it allows one to iterate over errors in editor by moving cursor to the location of the error. How can I setup the same functionality in CLion with…
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3 answers

Filter vim's quickfix window per file

I'm using the cquery language server in my Neovim instance. In conjunction with the Languageclient-neovim plugin. This automatically also checks the code for errors in the file that I'm working. However, this also means it checks all the files in my…
2 answers

Vim long file paths break/split over multiple lines in quickfix window

A long file paths is broken up over multiple lines in the Vim quickfix window which then for example does not allow to jump to the error location displayed in the qf. The file (and the lines around) are diplayed in the quickfix window as (the…
1 answer

How do you validate values for an order using QuickFix

I'm a beginner with quickfix and I'm not sure if the problem I'm having is trivial or not. I want to validate the values of an order using quickfix such as symbol, price, quantity, etc. Does quickfix provide a function in python that validates if a…
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