Questions tagged [viewpoint]

The Viewpoint gem. A layer between Microsoft's EWS endpoint and a ruby codebase.

The Viewpoint gem ( A layer between Microsoft's EWS endpoint and a ruby codebase.

14 questions
1 answer

Using vcr to stub ViewPoint gem returns Unauthorize response from ews API

I am stubbing all requests that go through the ViewPoint gem. Using the vcr gem. require 'spec_helper' require 'vcr' describe CalendarImporters::Ews::Get do let(:conf_connection) { FactoryGirl.create(:conf_connection)} let(:calendar) {…
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1 answer

EWS ruby viewpoint batch subscribe push notifications

I'm using viewpoint gem to subscribe to microsoft exchange notification service. So far I managed to subscribe to a single folder by using subscribe method in this:…
1 answer

How to change the view perspective in OpenGL?

I draw many lines to form a grid. I want to see the grid rotated on its X-axis, but I never get the intended result. I tried glRotatef and gluLookAt which does not work the way I want. Please see the pictures below. this is the grid this is how I…
3 answers

How to write a query with WHERE with two conditions

Right now I have: WHERE flag_1 NOT IN ("D") AND flag_2 NOT IN ("D") I have two sets of people working on the same data, and once one group is completed they will "flag" it D, but the report will still need to pull the info until BOTH are flagged…
1 answer

vue.js Uncaught Error: No element option passed to Waypoint constructor

I try to use viewpoint and I Pass the values to my waypoint it send my this message: Uncaught Error: No element option passed to Waypoint constructor,I got my code like this: in my view galeri.vue :