Questions tagged [video-memory]

34 questions
2 answers

Report Direct3D memory usage

I have a Direct3D 9 application and I would like to monitor the memory usage. Is there a tool to know how much system and video memory is used by Direct3D? Ideally, it would also report how much is allocated for textures, vertex buffers, index…
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Printing string to BIOS Video Memory not working

So, im using Bochs to run my bootloader and Chapter 4.1. Im trying to print to the BIOS console by writing to the video memory directly but when I run Bochs, I see no printed…
1 answer

Function 06h of interrupt 10h. Scrolling text line up

I need to implement scrolling line up using function 06h of interrupt 10h. The problem is that I have the scrolled line, but symbols aren't showing up, cursor disappears and nothing is happening. Maybe I forgot something to consider? To write the…
Fiona P.
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Does webpage content go to DRAM or Video RAM, and what if Video RAM runs out?

If the project has a page that uses jCarousel, and it has a
    ) that is 15860 x 375px, with 32-bit / pixel, that's close to 24MB. Or, what if it is 1000 x 700 pixel per screenful, 6 screenful per webpage, and 5 tabs of such pages, with…
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How to query the video ram size of a ATI card on Linux?

I want to know the physical video ram size in my application. I can get the same information of Nvidia card by using "nvidia-settings -q -t VideoRam". I can use amdcccle to find this information, but it's an GUI app, so can't be used in my…
0 answers

Storing commands in the video memory vs. accessing them via PCIe

I'm currently reading part 2 of the "A trip through the Graphics Pipeline" blog series by Fabian "ryg" Giesen. In this particular part, he talks about one interesting point. The commands that the GPU works on can either be read from the video memory…
Anish Ramaswamy
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Writing under the cursor in x86 assembly using video mapped memory

I am writing a simple application that tries to use video mapped memory (Starting at address 0B800). For the most part I can write directly to that memory and the characters appear instantly on screen, but I find if I try to write directly under the…
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WPF Can you clear video memory?

I have a very rich media based application built in WPF, and Im using lots and lots of different PNG images to add animations and materials to 3D objects, as well as 2D animations. I have noticed that quickly the video memory fills up, and Im…
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BIOS Video memory interaction position calculation weirdly

I have written a very simple kernel that loads inside QEMU with the help of GRUB. I probably have a problem in pointer calculation, but cannot really figure out what is wrong. The following code works as expected, it prints the given…
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2 answers

UIImageView & video memory

I have interesting problem with my UiimageViews. I have an application (game with 2 houses) where I loaded a lot of images on the screen (I'm using UIIMageView). Works fine on ios4.3 but have a lot crashes on ios5 (I've look at free memory on spc…
Sergey Kopanev
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Scroll Viewers as master of Video Memory management

I dont know how many of you have observed this, when we minimize a complex WPF application we can observe reduction in used memory. Also when we restore the WPF window, it regains that memory. My question is this Is this what we call video memory?…
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Can I use screen pages without calling interrupts?

I searching for low level way to use screen pages without calling interrupts like sending characters directly to the video buffer without interrupts. Something instead the next code: ; Page 1 mov ax, 0501h int 10h
Ahmed Crow
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Invalid segment override in writing to video memory with assembly language

I have this assembly code for writing to video memory an pixel: mov ax, 0x0013 int 0x10 x db 1 y db 1 videomem dd 0xa000 mov bx, y mov ax, 0x0140 ;320 mul bx add ax, x mov cx, videomem mov [cx:ax], 0x09; jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw…
1 answer

Video memory usage of QLabel and the effects of QWidget::hide()

I am writing an application and there will potentially be tens of thousands of labels (a log-viewing application of a sort), most of them hidden with QWidget::hide(). I imagine a QLabel, when created, takes up some video memory. Now, does hide()…
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1 answer

How to treat alpha transparency from PNG directly in memory?

I would appreciate the help of you low level programmers... My problem is this: I want to print a bitmap of format ARGB8888 directly into video memory. The form of the bitmap is alright, the problem is the alpha channel that I can't figure out how…
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