I searching for low level way to use screen pages without calling interrupts like sending characters directly to the video buffer without interrupts. Something instead the next code:

; Page 1
    mov     ax, 0501h
    int     10h
Michael Petch
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Ahmed Crow
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    What graphics card are you programming for? It is certainly possible to program an MDA or CGA card manually if you want. – fuz Dec 19 '20 at 12:27
  • I am talking for example for the normal text-mode screen 80*25 – Ahmed Crow Dec 19 '20 at 13:20
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    You have to read up on the [CRTC registers](https://cs.nyu.edu/~mwalfish/classes/14fa/ref/hardware/vgadoc/EGAREGS.TXT) and setting the start address. This is a EXE program for DOS (in MASM/TASM/JWASM syntax) that demonstrates this for CGA/EGA/VGA text video modes: https://pastebin.com/raw/mrig9vZn . Once the program exits type `cls` and hit enter to switch back to the page DOS was writing to. – Michael Petch Dec 19 '20 at 14:10
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    A good reference for accessing the video hardware can be found here: http://www.osdever.net/FreeVGA/vga/vga.htm#register . If you are new to assembly and video hardware this may seem complex. – Michael Petch Dec 19 '20 at 15:31

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