Questions tagged [video-capture]

Questions related to computer oriented video capture and the programming tools and solutions for dealing with captured frames from a video.

2280 questions
12 answers

Why can't I open avi video in openCV?

I just wrote a simple video reading example with openCV2.3.1, but it seems that I cannot open avi video anyway :( VideoCapture capture("guitarplaying.avi"); if(!capture.isOpened()){ std::cout<<"cannot read video!\n"; return -1; } Mat…
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1 answer

How to create virtual webcam in Windows 10?

I would like to take video from a webcam, render some text on the frames and do some motion tracking and pass it on to a virtual webcam so it can be streamed easily. I found some answers on stackoverflow suggesting that I should use DirectShow.…
Lukáš Neoproud
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6 answers

OpenCV + Java = UnsatisfiedLinkError

I need capture a video stream from my USB webcam, for this i use Opencv 2.4.6 for developing in Java. I follow the steps listed in here I add the "C:\opencv\build\java\x64" dir to my System PATH and include the "opencv-246.jar" file into my…
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7 answers

How to capture video in Android?

I would like to create a video recorder and so far haven't figured out how to set parameters in order to successfully go through MediaRecorder.prepare() method. Executing the following method public void start() throws IOException{ String state…
Niko Gamulin
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5 answers

How to capture a video (AND audio) in python, from a camera (or webcam)

i'm looking for a solution, either in linux or in windows, that allows me to record video (+audio) from my webcam & microphone, simultaneously. save it as a file.AVI (or mpg or whatever) display the video on the screen while recording…
Berry Tsakala
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5 answers

Record Video of Screen using .NET technologies

Is there a way to record the screen, either desktop or window, using .NET technologies. My goal is something free. I like the idea of small, low cpu usage, and simple, but would consider other options if they created a better final product. In a…
Chris Craft
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1 answer

How to record a video with avfoundation in Swift?

I am trying to figure out how to record a video using AVFoundation in Swift. I have got as far as creating a custom camera but I only figured out how to take still pictures with it and I can't figure out how to record video. From what I understand…
Garret Kaye
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2 answers won't recognize pi cam

I have been working with my Raspberry Pi 2B for a while now. Testing the Pi cam using raspistill works great but trying to use OpenCV functions such as; won't work. trying the same command with a USB camera works just fine. I…
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3 answers

Screen Capture with OpenCV and Python-2.7

I'm using Python 2.7 and OpenCV 2.4.9. I need to capture the current frame that is being shown to the user and load it as an cv::Mat object in Python. Do you guys know a fast way to do it recursively? I need something like what's done in the example…
Renan V. Novas
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6 answers

Swift - How to record video in MP4 format with UIImagePickerController?

I am creating a app in which i need to record videos and upload it to a server. Now my project has a android version too. To support android version i have to record the videos in mp4 format. I followed this tutorial to set the UIImagePicker media…
Kautham Krishna
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1 answer

Record Video and play audio at same time ios

I want to record video and play audio simultaneously. when start recording video, preloaded audio start play and when stop video recording, audio also stops playing. I tried to record Video by using third party library "SwiftyCam"…
4 answers

Android Video Capture Sample App

Is there a stand-alone sample code for video capturing in Android ?
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1 answer

Adding an Image Frame or Watermark for Video in Android programmatically

I am working on an Android Camera Application which have capability of Image and Video capturing. Later users can annotate on the image and add watermark to Video. All went fine when drawing Annotation on Image but failed to get no solution. In…
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1 answer

Run multiple AVCaptureSessions or add multiple inputs

I want to display the stream of the front and the back facing camera of an iPad2 in two UIViews next to each other. To stream the image of one device I use the following code AVCaptureDeviceInput *captureInputFront = [AVCaptureDeviceInput…
2 answers

How to expose a virtual camera on macOS?

I want to write my own camera filters for videochat, and ideally apply them in any/all of the popular videochat applications (Zoom, Hangouts, Skype, etc.). The way I imagine this working is to write a macOS application that reads the camera feed,…