Questions tagged [ipad-2]

iPad 2 is the second generation model of Apple's tablet computer running the iOS operating system. iPad applications are usually written in Objective-C in the Xcode IDE, although it's possible to use other tools to build iPad applications as well.

iPad 2 is the second generation model of Apple's tablet computer running the iOS operating system. iPad applications are usually written in Objective-C in the Xcode IDE, although it's possible to use other tools to build iPad applications as well.

Currently, there are 4 "generations" (yearly-ish updates) of the iPad:

  • iPad
  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3 (No official version number. Was known as "The New iPad" at release)
  • iPad 4 (No official version number. Minor refresh of iPad 3)

There is also a iPad mini which was released at the same time as the 4th generation of the iPad.

All iPads starting with the second generation are capable of running iOS 6.0.1, the current iOS operating system as of November 2012. iPad 2 was also the first model that supported a rear facing camera.



195 questions
15 answers

iPad: PNG Crush error

I am trying port my iPad project to latest iPad 2. I installed iOS 4.3 SDK with Xcode 4.0. When i try to build my project, i'm getting the following error. I don't know why am i getting this error. Could someone help me to resolve this build…
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1 answer

Run multiple AVCaptureSessions or add multiple inputs

I want to display the stream of the front and the back facing camera of an iPad2 in two UIViews next to each other. To stream the image of one device I use the following code AVCaptureDeviceInput *captureInputFront = [AVCaptureDeviceInput…
1 answer

exc bad access code 2

I have been struggling with this error for the last 3 days and no luck. I'm developing a combined app with uiviewcontrollers and uitableviewcontrollers and in table views I click the add button and it crashes. (no core data coding has been added…
Graham Boyd
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3 answers

Most efficient way to draw particles in HTML5 on iPad 2

I'm trying to create moving lights with trails for an HTML5 website/app targeted at iPad 2. I wonder what the best way to do this is and whether using HTML5 is viable at all. I chose HTML5 because it's easier and cheaper to develop and deploy than…
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2 answers

Web cam type video camera to iPad2 streaming over wired communication

I want to develop an App that requires wired communication between Web cam type video camera and iPad2. Basically I will directly connect Web cam and iPad2 using cable and when I start web cam, whatever images(picture/video) captured by web cam…
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2 answers

Does iPad 2 Vibrate?

Simple question, but only rumours on the Internet - I'm working on an app and don't yet have one! I read this: Can't get the iPad to vibrate but this is only the first one - also the tech-specs don't mention it, but the iPhone tech-specs don't…
Ben Robinson
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2 answers

What is the iPad2 User-Agent string?

Does anyone know the user-agent string of the just released iPad2?
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2 answers

Video freezes on camera switch with AVFoundation

I made an app with a feature to capture and save video. I have used AVFoundation for that and Apple's AVCam has been my guide. I hope I can make it clear: Everything works fine until I release the videoViewController that handles the…
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11 answers

iPad 2 detection

Since I don't have iPad 2, I need to know what it returns when calling [[UIDevice currentDevice] model]. I thought it returns just "iPad" but it seems I'm wrong. Can somebody let me know? Thanks
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2 answers

iOS : Icon occasionally fails to transfer to device

Does anyone know why this happens? My project uses a local network, so it doesn't make sense to test it on just one device, so I want to install it on 20. The way I do this is I build it once and then load it onto each device using the organizer. …
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2 answers

Recording the screen of an iPad 2

First of all: This question is not directly programming related. However, the problem only exists for developers, so I'm trying to find an answer here anyways since there are maybe other people on this community who already solved the problem. I…
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1 answer

How can I programmatically switch to openGL in Sprite Kit to adopt to older devices like iPad2

I am developing a game using Sprite Kit. Since iOS9 SpriteKit uses Metal as shader backend. SK and the shaders work great. But if I test it on an iPad2, it's not working anymore. I've read about this problem and know that iPad2 is not supporting…
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1 answer

right click on touch screen device

I am using to generate some option on right click and it is working fine on desktop browsers but it is not working on touch screen devices. what code should I add to make it work on touch devices like…
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1 answer

iOS NSURLConnection _resourceLoadLoop crash

I met a strange problem I am using a NSURLConnection to do some URL request it work fine on simulator but it crash on ipad2 5.0 I've tried on iPad1 5.01 ,ipad2 4.33,ipad2 5.01, it worked fine just crash on ipad2 5.0 I'm not sure what problem is it…
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2 answers

sound only playing through headphones on certain devices with MPMoviePlayerController

I have a weird problem for you all. MPMoviePlayerController is playing the video fine, and the audio ONLY plays through headphones. The real drag is that this only happens on some iPads and iPhones, even the SAME EXACT MODELS running the SAME EXACT…
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