Questions tagged [vfs]

Virtual File System provides a single API for accessing various different file systems. It presents a uniform view of the files from various different sources, such as the files on local disk, on an HTTP server, or inside a Zip archive.

313 questions
11 answers

Find size and free space of the filesystem containing a given file

I'm using Python 2.6 on Linux. What is the fastest way: to determine which partition contains a given directory or file? For example, suppose that /dev/sda2 is mounted on /home, and /dev/mapper/foo is mounted on /home/foo. From the string…
Federico A. Ramponi
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4 answers

Is rename() atomic?

I am not being able to check this via experiments and could not gather it from the man pages as well. Say I have two processes, one moving(rename) file1 from directory1 to directory2. Say the other process running concurrently copies the contents…
Lipika Deka
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6 answers

Inode vs Vnode Difference

I had some doubts regarding an Inode vs a Vnode. As far as my understanding goes, inode is the representation of a file that is used by the Virtual File System. Whereas vnodes are file system specific. Is this correct? Also, I am confused whether…
Aadarsh Kenia
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3 answers

Difference between statvfs() and statfs() system calls?

Why do the statfs() and statvfs() calls both exist when they're so similar? Under what circumstances would I prefer one over the other?
Matt Joiner
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2 answers

How linux identify a particular file system to execute system call

Can please summarize the events/steps that happen when I try to execute a read()/write() system call. How does the kernel know which file system to issue these commands. Lets say a process calls write(). Then It will call sys_write(). Now probably,…
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1 answer

List all files a process accesses in an efficient manner

I would like to log all file accesses a process makes during it's lifetime in an efficient manner. Currently, we are doing this by using LD_PRELOAD by preloading a shared library that intercepts C library calls that deal with file accesses. The…
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1 answer

Risks and rewards of using /dev/autofs_nowait on OS X

Throughout the CoreFoundation framework source, POSIX filesystem API calls (e.g. open(), stat(), et al…) are wrapped in an idiom wherein a descriptor on /dev/autofs_nowait is acquired – with open(…, 0) – before the POSIX calls are made; afterwards…
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2 answers

SQLite VFS implementation guide lines with FOpen*

I am about to implement a custom VFS (virtual file system) for a Netburner embedded device (non windows) using FOpen, FRead, FWrite, FSeek, and FClose. I was surprised that i could not find a FOpen* version of the VFS available. It would make it a…
Steven Smethurst
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3 answers

Failed to create maven project: '.../pom.xml' already exists in VFS (IntelliJ)

When I would like to re-create a maven project with a name had been but have been deleted already, I receive the following error message: Failed to create maven project: '.../pom.xml' already exists in VFS
Oliver Kocsis
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5 answers

Why can't I open a JBoss vfs:/ URL?

We are upgrading our application from JBoss 4 to JBoss 6. A couple of pieces of our application get delivered to the client in an unusual way: jars are looked up inside of our application and sent to the client from a servlet, where the client…
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2 answers

What is a Virtual file system or a file system in userspace?

I just came across a VFS and a filesystem in userspace like FUSE. Now, as far as I understand, it simulates a file system, so that an application can have a standard file system hierarchy. But I don't understand, why do we need a separate file…
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1 answer

What are inode generation numbers?

I'm planning to implement a FUSE filesystem using low-level API and currently trying to understand the fuse_entry_param structure. I wonder what unsigned long fuse_entry_param::generation actually means. Documentation says just that ino/generation…
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2 answers

How to construct an in-memory virtual file system and then write this structure to disk

I'm looking for a way to create a virtual file system in Python for creating directories and files, before writing these directories and files to disk. Using PyFilesystem I can construct a memory filesystem using the following: >>> import fs >>> dir…
James Vickery
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2 answers

Apache Commons VFS thread safety and resource management

I'm looking into using Apache Commons VFS for a project that will need to transfer files between local server and remote servers via ftp, sftp and https. The standard usage examples are getting the FileSystemManager from a static…
Jimmy Praet
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1 answer

VFS: file-max limit 1231582 reached

I'm running a Linux 2.6.36 kernel, and I'm seeing some random errors. Things like ls: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: Error 23 Yes, my system can't consistently run an 'ls' command. :( I note…
Rick Koshi
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