Questions tagged [vestacp]

17 questions
1 answer

What is the difference between PHP FPM and PHP FPM Public?

I am new to the VPS hosting server configuration. Recently bought a VPS package and configured the hosting server with MyVest. When I trying to select PHP version from the PHP version list, I am seeing the following options along with other PHP…
Shah Alom
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0 answers

Vestacp - smpt email, mail() or swiftmailer are not working using php

It's been 2 days struggling for email to get it to work. I am using vestacp which is perfect in all cases but failed in sending email via PHP scripts. I have used traditional mail() function, SMTP and swift mailer too but nothing seems working. I…
Khan Sharukh
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0 answers

Gmail send mail as problem with vesta control panel

Recently I've been encountered with the problem of Gmail did not allow me to use the "Send mail as" feature using an external mail server. I'm using vesta control panel. I have domain with domain email i generated via the vesta panel. The error was…
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0 answers

How do you fix require_once(): open_basedir restriction in effect with VestaCP?

With my CentOS VestaCP installation I can't get it to see pear require_once ("System.php"); // for pear Errors with: Warning: require_once(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/pear/System.php) is not within the allowed path(s):…
Bob M
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0 answers

SMTP error 451 Temporary local - please try later

when I try to send a mail from webmail service then I got {SMTP error 451 Temporary local - please try later } this warning! this is the screenshot-> . I have used vestacp and there I have config the DNS, MAIL services and all of things. does…
0 answers

Not able to send mails from exim4

I have a vesta cpanel running on ubuntu instance on google cloud.SO vespacp has exim installed and i configured it with my domain. But i am not able to send any mail, i know that google cloud like all other cloud provider have blocked SMPT over 25…
0 answers

updating phpmyadmin root password but unable to login from updated password in phpmyadmin

I have a root user in mysql-server on the Ubuntu server. I am unable to login to phpmyadmin with the root user and password. I updated mysql.conf and .my.cnf files using nano, its updated but unable to login. Help would be appreciated. Thanks in…
0 answers

SSL is running for all web sites

i am using vestaCP and i have ssl for my web site, i have uploaded to vestacp but this ssl is running for all web site. i mean , for example my ssl for '', and my other web sites '' and '' if i try to open with…
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0 answers

Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

I was install mail server by open source panel like vestacp on aws ec2 but don't send or receive Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
Ahmed Az
  • 26
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1 answer

VestaCP | Laravel Ajax doesn't work on server but works in localhost

I'm having issues with a website that I'm working on, here is what I use in localhost and server. Localhost: Xampp, PHP 7.3 Server: VestaCP, PHP 7.4.3 Currently on every ajax post/get method I'm not getting any feedback from the server, I just…
1 answer

Comodo Essentials SSL: Vestacp "SSL intermediate chain is not valid"

I'm trying to install Comodo Essential SSL via Vestacp here's that I did. I opened www_example_com.crt and copied the digest and pasted it into SSL Certificate box then opened www_example_com.key used to generate the ssl at the beginning which…
PHP User
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0 answers

Can't edit a file in vestacp (ubuntu) or even change its permissions

I have an index file of WordPress in vestacp that had no data. I would like to edit it but i literally can't. It has permission 444. i have tried changing this even to chmod 777 index.php but no success. I even force delete the file but still get it…
Timothy Mach
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1 answer

Redirection subdomain

I was trying now for hours to get it working but without a solution. RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,NE] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^forum\.rainingdreams\.to RewriteRule ^(.*)$…
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1 answer

vestacp error ssl intermediate chain is not valid

I am facing issue at vestacp: during pass the SSL Certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- b5XsfsteyPAX9uLwiTctWC4TO9UsnjWKx2ZBt8q4WgQ5nrmkXUwv -----END CERTIFICATE----- SSL Key: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE…
1 answer

Prevent other domains from accessing my laravelApp

Since I opened my website that this domain:, which is not mine, is accessing my full website: I have tried to use CORS plugin from barryvdh/laravel-cors. I have tried in the AppServiceProvider the…